Who Posts Next?

I am sincerely afraid that at this particular moment in time relative to our perception of it, and more specifically Wednesday December 9th, in the year of our Lord 2015 (following the Gregorian calendar year), I cannot in good conscience pretend to betray the trust of all those whom I have grown to call friends upon this lovely website and pretend and impersonate Ravenna, nor do I think that this effort would succeed as a result of a significant lack of resources at hand and available on this website that would support any effort in the pursuit of the goal to impersonate, as such it is with a heavy heart that I am forced to inform you on this day that I am indeed not the one that you all refer to as Ravenna and therefore, as I am subject to the theme and rules of this thread, I must also return a response to you that is distinctly negative in meaning so as to continue abiding by the thread rules and further make it clear that I am not, in fact, Ravenna, and allow the game that we have begun and have been playing here on the North Pacific Forums to continue hopefully well into the future, as such my answer to the prompt that you have provided asking if the one called Ravenna would be the next person to post in this thread is "Nope!"

Now, at this point in time I, notably after I have completed part one of my response whereby I inform you all whether or not I am in fact the one that was guessed in the post previous to mine, would like to further abide by the rules of this thread and proceed to make a guess as to who may post next using a variety of options available to me including looking at who has been active recently in the thread, the time of day for those who I know both activity levels and rough location, such as McMasterdonia, or the one I will follow today of the choices that I have come up with which is to guess at a person almost at random, based on purely the first name that comes to mind within all the thoughts that currently occupy it. As a result of this first name being of a person whom I had recently spent time with, I was forced to seek the 2nd option and further focus my brain on those that would have any chance of posting in this thread and as such I came upon a person whom name seems inspired both by the sound oft produced by a wide variety of duck species, such as those common where I live here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and by the first four numbers of the system of numbering commonly associated with English-speaking countries though I believe that it is Arabic in origin, and guess that the next individual who will post in this thread, following a formatted response very similar to mine in the vein of confirming whether or not they were the person guessed at or not and then proceed to guess at a person their self, is quak1234.

That is all at this time and I would like to take a moment to thank you for reading this post and participating in a spam thread so prestigious as this one.

(EDIT: Fixed spelling mistakes from typing on a phone.)
Wow. That was intense. And impressive. And correct! *applause*
I have nothing so massive to say, sadly. I shall guess Yrkidding.
You got it!

I want to guess you again quak, but I feel like I've guessed you far too much recently! I'm going to try my luck for Nessie?