James2spooky for the First Officially Elected Oppressive, Corrupted, Dark Delegate

I thought the campaign period starts on 8th this month but I probably was wrong about it so..

Yo yo, we're James2spooky, your self-claimed self-annointed most beloved TNP WA Delegate. You may address us as "spooky". But hey, we're just a friend of yours, so you may skip the formality and call us "Sir Mister Your Highness Majesty the Respected One Oh We Are So Glad That You Are Here With Us". Thank you.

We're running this campaign because we want to let you know what TNP can do for you and not what you can do for TNP. We're the TNP WA Delegate that nobody could or will ever surpass our excellency. We are here to entertain you all with giggles and laughters! Who needs a boring, colourless campaign with unverified facts and high formality. We must change this office into something fun yet effective! Nobody wants to work under huge amount of stress, right? Look at the successful, gigantic company Google Inc. and see their work environment for yourself, you will know how much time they spend throwing cream pies at each others most of the time for fun.

We served as your Minister of Arts and Entertainment (also used to known as Minister of Accident and Emergency due to high daily injuries and casualties that hapenned in role-play section during that time which you may not have heard of because we totally made that up ourself) in the old TNP. If anything we could do for TNP, it is to bring back its glorious, funniest time that we once used to have. Having active forumees and throwing parties all over the places, not to mention the highly flammable SPAMs!

We will put a stop to the regional spam ads by creating our very own, unique TNP spams. Together we will stun our adversaries (the spam ads recruiters) and make them sucked into the Black Hole created by none other than TNP's secret council (which you may also have not heard of because we made that up again). We will only allow other regions to have embassy with us within this forum, but only regions that we found tasty and yummy be allowed to construct a higher level of embassy with us in TNP's NS page. It's time for a change!

So, brothers and sisters, for the sake of our long lost happiness and fun, vote for us as your WA Delegate for an oppressive, corrupted and dark, but guaranteed to be ahelluva fun future in TNP!

We look forward to oppress you and at the same time still make you feel happy about it. Nobody can do that better than us do.
O and B, your nominations are still waiting for confirmation. Seriously, you want a dark, corrupted and oppresive Delegate in your beloved region? LoL I'm just raising the number of candidates so everyone has a choice when they vote :P
thank you for being the first one to vote for us! If things go according to plan, which usually don't, but most likely will because hey it's us!, Spooky!, your overconfident dude!, you will be oppressed and see TNP going for a change within 2 weeks.

Oh, and keep all the Fish, P. Don't mention about it that we have bribed you :D