Even before my first set of terms as Speaker, there had been an off- and on- debate over how much of a responsibility government officials had and have to make sure the RA members were made aware of what was going on. Some people took the view, and still do that the burden should be on the individual member to log in and check. My view, which I followed when I held the Speakership and when I headed the government under the last Constitution as Prime Minister, is that every effort should be made to remind them of what was going on; oeioke do have real lifes, and it isn't always reasonable to assume that every one of them had time to log into NS and here 24 hours a day.
We're more limited in what we can do since the means no longer exists to use e-mail notification of PMs to get people to log in and check what is going on. That's unfortunate, but as I mentioned a few months back, it's a Zetaboard coding issue beyond our control and until and unless they change it, that is not something we can rely on as we once did.
It may be we need to be clearer with applicants to the RA, in particular, about how and when we can remind them to check the RA and other forums; but in the meantime we should use the news banner here, the RMB, and whatever is at our disposal to help let people know. The one thing we have no control over is when people actually log in to these forums or at NS. If anyone has a workable idea on how to manage that, please let us know!