Non-government subforum reorganization

I had posted the following in a mostly-related thread in the Delegate's office, but except for Vilnoia1, no one even commented.

I'm copying my post and Vilnoia's and seeing if there is any other feedback. We'll deal with the Embassy Row through the other discussion, but feedback on all of it is still welcome.

I've finally had time to sort out the forum areas and identify what I think needs to be done outside of the Magicality City and Technology forum areas.

The one area I'm not sure what to do with at the moment is the Foreign Affairs area; I'd like feedback about moving the Embassy Row area up towards the "News of the Nations" area, and whether we need or want to keep the Regional Advertisements area in view of the recent in-game changes with the RMB.

Here is what I have; feedback is welcome:

Forum order

Forum order 

*Welcome Center
*General Announcements
*(Redirect) The Original North Pacific Forum

[i]TNP Class Of 03 to 10 Reunion (To be Archived)[/I]
*Nations of The North Pacific
**Map of The North Pacific
**Top 200 List

THE CAFE [Restored area]
*Nationstates Discussions
**Ways to improve Nationstates
*[i]Add redirect to Nation states forum[/i]?
*Real Life Discussions
**Blogs [[i]could make this first-level rather than second level[/i]]

*Games and Arts
**Entertainment Archive
*Out of Character

CULTURE ZONE [i]Rename?[/i]
**The Newsroom
**Back Issues
**Office of Communications
*Literary Club [[i]recommend this be moved to restored The Cafe forum area[i]]

West World (Archive; move selected recently active threads to “Role Play”
Medaeval World (Archive; no posts currently)
National Role Play (Archive; no posts since 2009)
*Role Play (move and consolidate with renamed Gaming Zone forum area)

For now, no changes are being proposed for the Magicality City, Foreign Affairs, or Technology forum areas

Is there any better place or placement for the Embassy Row and Regional Advertisements areas? Do we still want a Regional Advertisements area with the changes to the RMB?

For now, no changes are being proposed for the Magicality City, Foreign Affairs, or Technology forum areas

Is there any better place or placement for the Embassy Row and Regional Advertisements areas? Do we still want a Regional Advertisements area with the changes to the RMB?

Vilnoia1 said:

I guess I will put my two cents in here. I would like to see the Role Play stuff that we don't use archived. It is just a waste of space if we don't use it. Also I don't think that a regional advertisement section is needed anymore.

I would love to see a revamp for the foreign affairs section though. I would like to get the foreign diplomats updated with masks if possible and have them apply for their embassy inside TNP in one section. Then have their updates in another section. Of course I think this could all work better if we had a secretary of foreign affairs.

If this can not happen, I would like to see how it would look if we moved the embassies up to the culture zone (with a renaming of this section) with our newspapers and communication office. That way all the news press releases and updates will all be in one place from around the globe.

Of course this is just my two cents of course, I would like to hear other people's thoughts and opinions.

I also wanted to make everyone aware that I'm setting up special autotools (something we really didn't have on the IVF platform) so that whoever is moderating a particular area of the forums will have easy tools to move threads in that area to localized archives that are right there. The older archives which are restricted and read-only will be left where they are for now, but there's no reason we can't clean up old threads and move them into archives now. I'm doing this for some areas, but I certainly won't object to the government officials or global mods doing so and saving me some time. If there's a local area that doesn't have a local archive or autotool yet send me a PM and I'll respond to that.
There are some current threads that are very long and need to have older posts spilt off and archived separately. There's no easy way to do it in Zetaboards, but there are tools to spilt a thread and to merge the spilt pieces for form a thread that can be closed and archived. I haven't found any other way to deal with it, so any help on those from the Global Mods and government mods would be greatly appreciated.
I support the goal. Frankly I was a little intimidated and lost when I first showed up here. In fact I'm still a little lost. I've been clicking the "Active Topics" link at the bottom of the homepage to keep up with what's happening.
I'm an Active Topics person myself.

I'm for scrapping the RP and Culture Zone forums altogether. I've had them minimized since I returned in October and I'm pretty sure I haven't missed anything. Regional announcements can be disseminated in the (wait for it) General Announcements sub-forum.

Blogs (if we still have any active ones) and real-life discussions should be in the Out of Character forum.

Nationstates Discussions, Ways to improve Nationstates and Issues should be moved into the News of the Nation forum (which should should be renamed itself - I think NationStates Discussion for the whole thing is apt).

I'd put the Foreign Affairs forum third after the NationStates/News of the Nations forum. The Regional Advertisement subforum should be scrapped. The concept is flawed and counter-productive.

I also think the Magicality Forum should be looked at but I'm willing to table that for the time being.

The Welcome Center needs to be revamped and updated internally too but I guess that's another topic altogether.
I'll update the outline I posted within the next couple of days, if I can get a well rested night of sleep.

I'm getting over a flu-like bug that knocked me for a loop these last three weeks or so. And Lieb gets very insistent about attention, she don't care if I'm "under the weather." I'm still trying to figure out out she got her teeth onto a envelope with some receipts because I woke up early this morning to find that she has torn and chewed it up on my bed and on the floor. So instead of being asleep, she was pulverizing that envelope and its contents.

I wonder if the IRS will take take as an excuse.

Blackshear read my mind. I'm fully behind what he's saying.

I think I might be confused about something that Grosse said, though. Something was mentioned about long topics with the older posts archived. Can I get an example of one such thread and how archiving parts of it, but not the whole thing would work?
There are several things being bandied about, and before changes are actually made, I'm going to update the outline chart to make sure everyone knows what's afoot. I've seen several variations of the same idea, but some comments have been vague on aspects that need to be spelled out in order to make the actual changes to the different sections of the forums.

Subforums in the non-government area will either be moved to the general archives that are set to read only and out of view of most forum users, or will use a localized archive subforum that have been set up and being used to clean up the active forums at this time.

An example of a split thread where the older parts are archived can be seen with the RA membership application thread. I had to manually separate out the older posts (a year or so and older) into a separate thread, and moved that thread into the Membership and Registration Archive subforum.

The technical problem is that posts that were split off had to be marked and split one page at a time. Those pieces then had to be merged together, and the final merged thread is what was moved into an archive.
Maybe tomorrow, BS. I had to get my tax returns finished, and with a long distance move, and all my medical expenses plus the eye surgeries last year, it's been one of the most complicated returns I've had to do in a long time. (And yesterday was April 15th; I managed to get everything finished online and filed electronically by 9 PM.
This post has two parts.
The first part is my attempt to reconcile all the suggestions as to what should be done.
The second part is the surviving order of the areas and subforums reflecting the suggestions shown in the first pat.
If you have a different or additional idea, please use the format I'm using beloe to illustrate what you are suggesting; it can be hard to visualize otherwise.

(I'm using the following to organize the outline; one asterisk is a first level subforum; two asterisks are a second-level subforum; All capital letters are the areas of the forums.)

*Welcome Center
*General Announcements
*(Redirect) The Original North Pacific Forum

TNP Class Of 03 to 10 Reunion (To be Archived)
*Nations of The North Pacific
**Map of The North Pacific
**Top 200 List

THE CAFE [Restored area]
*Nationstates Discussions
**Ways to improve Nationstates
*Add redirect to Nationstates.Net forum?
*Real Life Discussions
**Blogs [could make this first-level rather than second level]

GAMING ZONE [Delete-Retire Area Title]
*Games and Arts [recommend this be moved to The Cafe forum area]
**Entertainment Archive [recommend this be moved to The Cafe forum area and renamed as “The Cafe Archives]
*Out of Character [recommend this be moved to The Cafe forum area]

CULTURE ZONE [Delete-Retire Area Title]
*Newspapers [recommend this be moved to Nationstates Arena forum area]
**The Newsroom [recommend this be moved to Nationstates Arena forum area]
**Back Issues [recommend this be moved to Nationstates Arena forum area]
**Office of Communications [recommend this be moved to Nationstates Arena forum area]
*Literary Club [recommend this be moved to restored The Cafe forum area]

ROLEPLAY [Delete-Retire Area Title]
West World (Archive; move selected recently active threads to “Role Play”
Medaeval World (Archive; no posts currently)
National Role Play (Archive; no posts since 2009)
*Role Play [move and consolidate with renamed The Cafe forum area]

FOREIGN AFFAIRS [Delete-Retire Area Title]
* Embassy Row [recommend this be moved to Nationstates Arena forum area]
** Consulates [recommend this be moved to Nationstates Arena forum area]
* Embassies and Consulates Archives [recommend this be moved to Nationstates Arena forum area]
* Regional Advertisements [recommend this be moved to Welcome to the North Pacific Forums]

How it would look with these changes

*Welcome Center
*General Announcements
* Regional Advertisements
*(Redirect) The Original North Pacific Forum
*Announcements Archives

*Office of Communications
*Nations of The North Pacific
**Map of The North Pacific
**Top 200 List
* Embassy Row
** Consulates
** Embassies and Consulates Archives
**The Newsroom
**Back Issues [This is the Archives for the Newspapers subforums]

*Games and Arts
* Nationstates Discussions
**Ways to improve Nationstates
*Real Life Discussions
*Out of Character
*Literary Club
*The Cafe Archive
*Nationstates Discussion Archive
* (Redirect) Nationstates.Net forum

TNP Class Of 03 to 10 Reunion
West World
Medaeval World
National Role Play

Feedback, please!
For what it's worth:

* Welcome Center
* General Announcements
* (Redirect) The Original North Pacific Forum
* Announcements Archives

* Nations of The North Pacific
** Map of The North Pacific
** Top 200 List
* Nationstates Discussions
** WA Proposal Discussions/Votes
** Ways to improve Nationstates
** Issues
* Nationstates Discussion Archive
* (Redirect) Nationstates.Net forum

* Embassy Row
**Embassy applications
** Embassies and Consulates Archives
* TNP Ambassadors Reports/Discussions

* Games and Arts
* Out of Character (OOC and G&A should be merged; they've proven to be redundant)
** Blogs
* Real Life Discussions
* The Cafe Archive

Office of Communications
**The Newsroom
** Back Issues [This is the Archives for the Newspapers subforums]
TNP Class Of 03 to 10 Reunion
West World
Medaeval World
National Role Play
Literary Club
Regional Advertisements
Your Taking away my office... I dunno If I can support that.... :(
I guess the two of you need to discuss it, then. I don't plan to get in the middle of it.

The question is where would "regional updates" from TNP be prepared and posted, then?
In General Announcements. Easy to find, top of the board, a title that describes what it contains. Sorta makes sense don't you think?
That would work, as long as I have an office somewhere. I guess I will just have to pack and move if this happens.

Which I am in support of getting rid of the Newspaper section and replacing them with the regional Update/ a new Office of Communications. Maybe something like

*Regional Updates
**Office of Communications
**Regional Update Archive
The "General Announcements" forum was originally set up to use a feature of the software that existed with Invisionfree that doesn't exist with Zetaboards. We've been using it to post certain kinds of announcements, but we're going have to tweak the settings so everyone can see those threads within the forum, and allow everyone to reply to announcement threads posted by government officials and the moderation team.
I have no problem with Vilnoia's suggestion as long as I fix the settings. Will that work for you, Blackshear?
It'll be a couple of days before I can get to implementing this (as the real world intervenes), but I'll be at it when I have a good block of ttime.
*Welcome Center
*Regional Updates
**Office of Communications
**Regional Update Archive 
*General Announcements
*(Redirect) The Original North Pacific Forum
*Announcements Archives

*Nations of The North Pacific
**Map of The North Pacific
**Top 200 List 
* Nationstates Discussions
**Ways to improve Nationstates
*[I] (Redirect) Nationstates.Net forum[/i]
*Nationstates Arean Archives

* Embassy Row
**Embassy applications
** Embassies and Consulates Archives
* TNP Ambassadors Reports/Discussions

*Games and Arts
*Real Life Discussions
*The Café Archive

[i]TNP Class Of 03 to 10 Reunion[/I]
[i]West World[/i]
[i]Medaeval World[/i]
[i]National Role Play[/I]
[i]Regional Advertisements{/I]
[i]The Newsroom[/i]
[i]Back Issues[/I]
[i]Literary Club]/I]
[i]Out of Character[/i]

I’m going to hold off on moving the WA discussion threads out of the Delegate's Office because this hadn’t been brought up before, and because it’s a totally different set-up that Dalimbar had me set up.

I’m aware that Blackshear hasn’t used the separate subfora for the WA General Assembly and the WA Security Council, but my problem is that I think we need to agree on a consistent treatment of these rather than having to change them every two or three months.

As to the OOC and the Games aresa area, it does struck me as a bit redundant of the Real Life area in addition to the Games and Arts, but rather than trying to sort out all of the threads, it might be easier just to force a start over on the active threads in which ever of the other threads best fits a thread topic. It's odd that the OOC threads are all active and the threads in the Games area aren't but I think the reflects confusion as to what the two subforums are supposed to be. (Essentially we'll be renaming OOC as Games based on what are in those subforums now, but we don't need both of them. Topics that are real OOC would more properly go into either Real Life, Nationstates, or Blogs, so there won't be any contracting of scope, just one less place to put the threads,)

I'll give everyone a day or two to react, and after that, this is the template I'll be using. The primary thing I'm looking for now is something that creates a major problem that needs to be addressed if this map represents the changes.
For those of you who haven't looked in the General Announcements, I have started implementing the re-organization as outlined above.

I have a couple of subforums to combine, and some others to create, and some auto tools to set up, but the basic archiving and moving has been done.
James, the GA subforum until now has been a limited poater area for government and forum admin announcements.
There's other things that still need to be done in that area; and I'll consider widening the scope of those who will be able to reply in threads in the General Announcements subforum.
how about the supreme court threads
You should be able to perform any moderator functions as part of your Court Justice mask. I'll look and see if I've gotten an autotool set up for that area, but if I haven't already done so, then it'll take a place in line to be taken care of once I finishd the non-governmental forum reorganization.
The partial forum reorganization (of the nongovernmental areas) has been completed.
The next step will be to encourage those with moderation authority in different areas of the forums to clean up old threads and move them to the various local archives using the autotools.
If you notice a clean-up issue that needs to be addressed, send me a PM.
Sine this thread is still pinned, I'll use it to update some additional changes in forum organization as root admin of the forums.

I've permananetly archived the various Cabinet subforums that have hardly been used for the past two or three years. I have also moved the World Assembly subforums to the Nationstates Arena area of the forums.

In addition, archived all of the threads in the Elections area and theWorld Assembly areas.that are not current, using the specific auto-tools for those.areas.

I'd like to ask that the Speaker and the Court do the same housecleaning dor their areas.of the.forums. There are specific autotools for both areas.that can be used, as mods they have the ability to unpin and close.threads that are not current, and if I have to do t as root admin, you may ro may not agre with my view of what needs to be archived. It isn't that difficult, and won't take that long. I set up.months ago, and after all this time, it still hasn't been done. Even the other Admin and Global Mods can do it.