GS for Vice Delegate

I have decided to stand for election to complete the remainder of the current term as Vice Delegate.

Likewise, I will not be a candidate for re-election as Chief Justice. I have served in that office for multiple terms three times, and I think that is enough in that office for the time being. I need new challenges, and I believe serving as Vice Delegate offers me that opportunity.

In addition to being the "spare" in case of circumstances where the Delegate becomes unavailable, the Vice Delegate chairs the Security Council. In recent months, efforts by our new Delegate, our Speaker, others, and myself have led to revisions to our Security Council system to make it effective and viable as a body. The next step is to seek out more of our long-time and trusted residents to join that body as a part having a stable and secure region.

I think I have shown an affection for this region above and beyond the call to duty. I would be justified if I were to choose to return to retirement, which I had when I was drafted to return to the Court as Chief Justice. But I think at this point, I can best serve TNP as Vice Delegate, and that is why I am a candidate in this special election.