My eyes..

Went to the clinic to day to check my left eye, which is swollen, I thought it would get well in a few days but it hasn't after 2 weeks. The doc told me there's a white spot covering the center of the apple of my left eye and also a white line in my right. He also told me I may become blind if thing becomes serious and requested me to check back to him this Sunday and most probably I will be sent to eye specialists in the hospital..and I'm in the middle of my university semester where all the midterms and assignments are taking place. Pray to God for me please, so my eyes can recover and see clearly, my eyesight has been worsened in the past two years and I'm only in my 20s...God bless me

You'll be our thoughts and prayers, I certainly hope that the problem can be corrected and your eyesight be improved soon.
I'm sorry to hear that James, but I'm certain you'll be fine, bearing in mind your tenacity. I wish you well, and i'm sure i'll be "seeing" you around here for years to come.
Went to hospital on Sunday and yesterday. After being examined by 2 doctors and in the end by a professor I was told it has to be healed for a long period of time. They said there's an ulcer (or wound, however it is spelled) in my left eye and an old scar, the right eye has a healed scar too. I won't be getting clear vision until I get cornea replacement but that won't happen until my left eye is healed first. According to the professor, those blood vessels in my left eye are trapped at the center of the retina or something like that which cause the white hazyness (white spot). I am required to go for check-up every month, and I'm given 3 types of eye drops.
I'm glad to hear that you now have specialists who are watching out for the problem. I'm sure it's a bit frustrating to have to wait to deal with the primary cause. I'm sure they also told you to let them know immediately if you notice any changes in your vision.

I'm glad that it is something that can be dealt with. Take care!