Proposed by Grosseschnauzer
Sponsored by Blackshear and Felasia
Link to Preliminary Discussion
Amendment of Law 30 are as shown with (red strikeout indicates deletion; blue boldface indicates addition)
Sponsored by Blackshear and Felasia
Link to Preliminary Discussion
Amendment of Law 30 are as shown with (
The Security Council Regulation Act
Section One: Requirements
1. Members of the Security Council (Council) shall maintain an influence level equal to or greater than Vassal.
2. Members of the Council shall maintain an endorsement level within the range described in this Section.
A. The minimum level is defined as being eitherofat least (1) 50 endorsements, or (2) fifty per cent of the serving Delegate's endorsement count.
B. The maximum level is defined as being either (1) that number of endorsements that is 20 fewer than the serving Delegate’s endorsement count, or (2)andno more than eighty-five percent of said count.
C. Where the computation results in fractions, the count shall be rounded down.
D. The authorized range is to be applied in a reasonable manner, taking into account such factors as the handover transition between elected Delegates, the recall of an elected Delegate from office, or periods of Delegate inactivity.
3. Should Council members not meet or exceed the required endorsement level for a period offiveat least fifteen days, the Vice Delegate is required to act pursuant to Section Two of this Law.
4. The elected and legitimate Delegate is exempt from endorsement requirements.
Section Two: Enforcement
1. The Vice Delegate mayremovesuspend members of the Council who violate the endorsement and influence level requirements of this Act. Suspension takes places if, after a warning by the Vice Delegate, a Council member fails to come into compliance with the endorsement and influence level requirements within a reasonable amount of time specified in the warning, which is usually fifteen days.
2. The Vice Delegate may remove members of the Council whose World Assembly nation no longer exists or no longer resides in The North Pacific, resigns from the World Assembly (except as part of a formal redesignation of a resident World Assembly member nation within The North Pacific), or lose their membership (unless exempted) in the Regional Assembly.
3. The Vice Delegate shall report any suspension or removal of members of the Council to the Regional Assembly in accordance with Article V, Section 3 of the Constitution.
4. Should a suspended member of the Council comes back into compliance with the endorsement and influence level requirements of this Act, the Vice Delegate shall reinstate the Council member.
5. A majority of the Council may vote to determine that the continued membership in the Council of a Council member poses a Security Risk to The North Pacific and shall submit such determination to the Regional Assembly for approval to remove that member from the Council. The Speaker shall submit the determination to an immediate vote of the Regional Assembly; approval shall require a two-thirds supermajority vote.