NationStates: The Movie v.2


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Around five and a half years ago, a group of people from around the feeders (Cisco, Thel, Neenee, and Biyah, and several others) were sitting around on IRC and began debating what actor/star would play who in a hypothetical NationStates: The Movie. This idea spread rapidly, from The West Pacific across the feeders (including here) to the major userite regions across the world, showing the then who's who of NS of that time. The thread in question can be found here.

Well, I think it's about time we update that list. As per the rules of the NationStates: The Movie v.1, nations/players can nominate actors for other nations, and as we have a consensus on who will play who, I will add their name and their actor to the list. This is by no means a TNP-only project. If you are a resident of a foreign region and you see this, feel free to talk to your regions about this! Just make sure to post in this thread who would play who from your region. I also reserve the right to place a player in the region I feel is most appropriate if they have multiple residencies.

So, who would play you in NationStates: The Movie?


The North Pacific
The one and only...

Peter Sellers!