A Steady Hand

I've decided to seek re-election because of the need for continuity on the Court, and to assure that the steps taken by the Court during this last term to assure faster and more orderly trials is implemented properly should the need for a trial arise.

While many folks weren't paying much attention, the Court has finally adopted sensible rules to help assure prompt and fair trials by adopting rules that make clear what is needed to present evidence in a trial, and the responsibility of the parties to a case to have their cases ready for trial in a prompt and complete manner. These rules are intended to put an end to the tactics that have been used to bog down trials by lack of preparation and the lack of a known-in-advance procedure by which trials will be held.

As we gain experience under these recently adopted rules, we may find the need to clarify and adapt the rules to forthcoming experience with them. For now though, the responsibility to be prepared lies with the parties, where it belongs.

This will be a shorter-than-normal term because of the delay in starting judicial elections; hopefully, recent actions approved by the RA will avoid such delays in the future.

I'll try to answer questions posted before Friday, at that point, it'll have to wait for the surgery I'm having then; although the eye that I use to read has surgery last month,and it'll merely be a question of following doctor's restrictions for that coming week.