*Generic title here*


Hi, I joined NS a couple weeks ago, and then I found this place. Still trying to get everything that goes on here! :)
Welcome to The North Pacific !

Aye, it can be rather daunting to figure it all out. But some of what goes on in NS goes beyond the basic NS game, and happens on the 'off-site' forums such as this one.
Welcome to The North Pacific !

Aye, it can be rather daunting to figure it all out. But some of what goes on in NS goes beyond the basic NS game, and happens on the 'off-site' forums such as this one.
I read the constitution last night, and I was like, "I didn't know these things were taken so seriously.." :P

I've also been creeping the NS forums, but I dunno where I should first post. :(

Anyway, I sent an application in to the RA, is there anything else I should join?
Writing constitutions has become an art in NationStates. How much they are followed depends upon the region. Many regions have their own constitution off-site. It helps take the NS concept out of the limits of the game itself, and expand it among a community of players.

From that can develop 'interregional' cooperation, treaties, conflicts, etc. There's a great community of players throughout NS.

At the moment, I'd say that the RA is the place to be. :) Feel free to jump right into the debates and add your own thoughts and ideas. The more the merrier.