As I finally made my move into The Pacific and plan to be active in the other Pacifics too, I figure I might as well introduce myself here. My TNP nation was "A brutal old man," though it has currently been ejected in JAL's latest purge...
Pretty good, yourself?

Still trying to gain an accurate understanding of the long history of the Pacifics and the general natures of each one...
The North Pacific has all the coups, The Pacific is the evil one, The South Pacific is the stable one, The East Pacific is the RPing one, and The West Pacific is... the other one.

The North Pacific has all the coups, The Pacific is the evil one, The South Pacific is the stable one, The East Pacific is the RPing one, and The West Pacific is... the other one.

That pretty much sums it up, I guess. :D

Though The Pacific is pretty stable. It's lawful evil! :)
Moany Old Gits:
Hi - more old men.

We can be mean and moany together woooooo :D

I mean...

Terrible! Absolutely horrible! I can't think of a more repulsive activity to fritter away my otherwise valuable time on! Why must I be forced to partake in such absurdity? Oh, woe is me!

*grumbles, moans, and acts mean*