Regional Assembly Roll Call


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Chodean Kal
With elections now over, we will be conducting a roll call to ensure that each member is active. All current members of the RA must answer this roll call with the name of their TNP Nation and their WA nation (if applicable). The WA nation name may be PMed to me if secrecy is a necessity. Please also provide a link to your nation(s) to make the process run smoother. Members have from now until October 16th at 12:00pm EDT (5:00pm BST/9:00am PDT).

I will start.

TNP: Dalimbar
WA: Chodean Kal

List of Members Recognized by the Speaker
Updated through out the Roll Call period

01. Blue Wolf II
02. Cakatoa
03. Dalimbar
04. Duridia
05. Dyr Nasad
07. Felasia
08. Grosseschnauzer
09. James2Spooky
10. Moany Old Gits
11. Mr.Gaunt
12. Siradetes
13. The Palindromic Land
14. Westwind
15. Winter Vacationers
After violating his Regional Assembly oath, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, including but not limited to abusing his power as temporary Delegate by ejecting over 500 nations so far and setting up a rogue government, as Speaker of the Regional Assembly I strike John Ashcroft Land's name from the RA Members list.
I encourage Members to only post here if they are placing their names in for the Roll Call. The only reason why I posted my announcement was to strike the name of a former Members name from the membership list.

I would encourage Members and other citizens to start a discussion thread either here in the Regional Assembly or in another section of the forum.
The roll call is now over. Any Member who has not signed up on the list will be required to submit a new RA Member application. I will also be sending this list to the Administrators to request that only the individuals on the list have RA masking.

I would like to thank everyone's cooperation on this. I will be holding another roll call most likely in December.