I certainly do respect your position, Gross, and in normal times I would agree that it would be strange to have a person with a lot of authority in one branch of the government also serve in a different branch of the government in a position of authority. Saying that, this is not a normal time for our region, regardless of ones interpretation of what "normal" is for our region. I care more for having anyone who is active be in positions where they can be of help, and if people have to double-up because we need positions filled to at least keep some form of governance going in the region, then I believe they should have the opportunity to do so. However, that is a personal call.
I do hope that you (Gross) and other active members of our region not only help me out in the Regional Assembly, but the region at large. By help, I don't mean needing official titles, but just help with even the little things that need to be done.