Note from the Speaker


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Hey folks, several days ago my computer went down and classes started. I will be trying to do RA related activities on the uni library computer and on my iPod, but my I apologize if my presence on the forum is limited. As such, I would like to hire an Acting Speaker to assist with the backlog until elections are over. If you are interested, please post here.
I'd offer my service, but considering that I'm not a member of the RA, that wouldn't make any sense.
The seemed to be Dali's opinion when I talked to him too.

And apparently, the law does not say an appointed deputy needs to be an RA member.
Indeed, you lot are correct. As I would like to have at least one section of this government at least trying to function, I am prepared to be a tad creative with appointments. So Westy, if you are up to it, I would like you to be Deputy Speaker.
*take a deep breath*

With the understanding that my time is limited this week and next, and I will be unavailable Friday 1 October through Sunday the 3rd.....I will attempt to be of assistance and accept the appointment as Deputy Speaker.

That being the case, I will review the pending RA applications first.

If there is any specific item that anyone feels needs to be address by the Speaker, please know that you are welcomed and encouraged to send me a pm to bring it to my attention.
As my computer has been fixed (finally), I will be returning to my duties as Speaker. I will also continue to have Westwind as Deputy Speaker.

Now... time to get back to work.
Re the deputy speaker as a position; some of us former Speakers didn't appky because we hold other offices at the moment, and it would be unseemly to do so.
I appreciate that, but I think the need of the reigon to have helping fill a need in the region overrides concerns over holding multiple titles.

And yes, the bar is well stocked, but I admit you might want to restore a little variety. I filled all the empty cases and kegs with rum.
I certainly do respect your position, Gross, and in normal times I would agree that it would be strange to have a person with a lot of authority in one branch of the government also serve in a different branch of the government in a position of authority. Saying that, this is not a normal time for our region, regardless of ones interpretation of what "normal" is for our region. I care more for having anyone who is active be in positions where they can be of help, and if people have to double-up because we need positions filled to at least keep some form of governance going in the region, then I believe they should have the opportunity to do so. However, that is a personal call.

I do hope that you (Gross) and other active members of our region not only help me out in the Regional Assembly, but the region at large. By help, I don't mean needing official titles, but just help with even the little things that need to be done.
Re Helping: What I've been trying to do for now is identify and fix things that have otherwise paralyzed the region's ability to function, such as the already adopted court rule on temporary judicial officers, the current proposal at vote that recognizes the idea of an acting Speaker and a Speaker Pro Tempore, and my current proposal to set up a standard process for special elections. I'm certainly not say that the specific proposals are the only way to fix the problems that have been uncovered, but we need something to be accepted so as to reduce the risk of paralysis that took place recently.
We do need to give the Admin some guidance about what to do with the numerous and overlapping subforums in the executive branch. The Delegate has a wise latitude in structuring his Cabinet, but it's difficult for admin to divine when certain subforums are no longer needed.
As Flem as already stated his intention to essentially scrap the executive branch, I execpt as an Admin he'll be able to address the subforum issues.
So, my keyboard is going nuts right now. Sadly, it got in a fight with my cup of coffee yesterday, and certain letters are having a tough time remembering how to work. Probably will have to get it looked at this week, as c&p'ing letters (n,h, and y right now) to make sense is driving me nuts. So... expect possible downtime on my part.
Dali - try a hair blower to see if you can get the moisture out. I had a similar problem, and the quick fit is to go buy an inexpensive USB port wireless keyboard and mouse. (I've see them for $30.00) I had to resort to that after a power surge at my last residence scrambled up the electronics (washer, dryer, cable box, VCR, notebook computer (keyboard and hard drive) The dryer and the keyboard never worked themselves out, but even the hard drive using Windows Vosta was able to sort itself out with a couple of weeks of error fixes and defragging of the hard drive, and some downloaded software re-installations.

So go look for a wireless keyboard and mouse. It'll be less trustrating and you won't be wasting a huge amount of time.
So, I am more back than I was this week. Last Sunday, I handed my computer to Apple for them to fix, and an hour or so ago I finally had enough time to pick it up. This past week and the next few have been and will be crazy for me, with papers and exam preparation. So, I have my computer back, but I will *try* to not use NS as a procrastination tool. That, however, seems unlikely given my attention span.
Pretty much :P After over six years of playing, it is no longer an addiction, but a way of life. *Insert appropriate levels of "dude" and other hippy lingo here*
So, today I am flying back to British Columbia. Will be there from today to January 3rd, but I will try to be online through out that time. Need to escape the insanity that is my family somehow... :P

(Also, I <3 airports that have free wi-fi)
I'm going to go ahead and start a volunteers wanted thread for the general elections (Delegate, Vice Delegate, Speaker) that should take place during January.

With the holidays, we may be behind by a few days, but there's no reason to fall a month behind.