Zetaboard Terms of Use, Terms of Service, and Board Rules

The default Zetaboards forum layout makes it difficult to find the links to the Zetaboard "Terms of Use" and "Terms of Service;" likewise there is no clear link to the supplement Board rules that are in place at these forums.

The "terms of service" can be found at http://www.zetaboards.com/tos/
The "terms of use" can be found at http://www.zetaboards.com/tou/
The supplemental forum rules are as follows:

<p>Welcome to The North Pacific! We hope you will enjoy your time spent in our region, the largest in NationStates!

<p>While posting here, please make sure you adhere to InvisionFree's Terms of Service. Yes, we all know that nobody actually reads the TOS when you register, regardless of the fact they make you check that little box. But what they want you to do as a forum user is to not post anything profane or illegal. If you've got any questions about what that may entail, check out the Terms of Service by clicking the link at the bottom of the screen, or send a PM to an Administrator (anyone whose name appears in blue on the member list). We'll be happy to answer your questions.

<p>So again, have fun, and thanks for coming to The North Pacific!

<p><b><i> - The North Pacific Administration Team</b></i>

<p><b>Appendix 1: Warning System</b>

<p>When a violation of TOS or other forum rules occurs, a warning may be issued to a member's account. Warnings are set in 20% intervals, and each comes with a pre-determined sentence. Warnings issued will not be removed except by majority vote of the moderation team, or in special circumstances in which case administration reserves the right to change warning levels as needed.

Moderation levels:

20% warning - 5 hour mod preview
40% - 1 day mod preview
60% - 5 hour post suspension, 3 day mod preview
80% - 3 day post suspension, 1 week mod preview
100% - 1 week post suspension, indefinite mod preview

And should, after 100%, TOS or forum rules violations continue, an IP ban will be enforced.


Mod Preview: A mod must review posts before they are publically viewable
Post Suspension: The member cannot post, but can still use other forum services and read topics.
IP Ban: Prevents a single computer or internet connection from accessing the forum. Other ban methods may be used if a single IP proves ineffective.</i>

<p><b>Appendix 2: Signature Image Restrictions</b>

<p>In an effort to ensure that all members can access this forum easily, large images will no longer be allowed in signatures. Large images greatly slow the amount of time it takes for a page to load over a slow connection, and repeated attempts to load such a page may cause further problems. Therefore, we require that images in signatures be no longer than this box:
<a href="http://i2.ifrm.com/5256/179/upload/p500614.jpg"><img src="http://i2.ifrm.com/5256/179/upload/p500614.jpg" alt="Maximum Size of Images in Sigs. Click box to view image."></a>
<p>...and that signatures containing images be no larger than this box:
<a href="http://i2.ifrm.com/5256/179/upload/p876640.jpg"><img src="http://i2.ifrm.com/5256/179/upload/p876640.jpg" alt="Maximum Size of Signatures Containing Images. Click box to view image."></a>

<b>Appendix 3: Personal Messages</b>

In order to respect the privacy of our members, the moderation team has agreed on the following guideline:

"You may not post personal messages in a public area of the forum without the author's permission.

Members of the government, Administrators, and Moderators may post PMs (without prior permission) in secure areas of the forum in order to perform the duties of their office, for matters of regional security, or for moderation evidence."

If a PM is posted and the original author objects to a moderator, the PM will be removed from the post, unless it clearly falls within the exceptions listed. If you believe you are being harassed by the PM system, please forward the PM in question to a moderator and the issue will be dealt with. Thank you.
I've added the rules link to the top menu.

I'll add a link to the ToU. Where would you like it, the top menu or at the bottom?