What do we need from a government?


OK. A much more fundamental question.

Rather than starting from a basis of shape government, a more basic question would be: what do we want out laws to provide?

- an offsite forum for the community to use?
- basic rights?

what is the irreducible minimum?
The minimum duties of a government are to safeguard the community of the region, provide something for people to do both on and off the site, and then encourage them to do it. How to safeguard their community is left to those who make it up.
To play devil's advocate, "safeguarding" is imho still reducible: We have to define what we're actually safeguarding:

One of the chief purposes of the offsite-forum (as opposed to the RMB) is structured and long-term communication. The community thrives best when this offsite forum remains consistent beyond the reign of the current delegate.

Since the status of a forum as the "official" forum is derived from its placement in the WFE, it is on the delegate to grant (or rather cement) this status.

Therefore, we need ways to ensure the consistency of the forum - this is where the safeguarding comes in.

One way is to give the legitimacy of the forum a certain inertia, that will protect it against a potential new delegate's desire to demote it. As far as the game is concerned, if Shoeless Joe or any of the "rogue" delegates before him had succeeded, he would have been the legitimate delegate and we would be a group of people whining on what used to be the official forum of TNP. What prevented this was our willingness to say: This delegate is a "rogue"; his power in the game is held "illegitimately"; we will strive to oust him. This inertia will also be an incentive for a delegate to stick to the forum.

In part, this is helped by having a written constitution - but that just acts like a fortification. What is really needed is a live community. There's a tautology there - the community must safeguard the community - but that's how inertia works.

Once we've established that the forum is there for the community to communicate, and the community's job is to safeguard the forum, then we can see that the forum helps provide another thing: Structure, and ways for the delegate to actually do some delegating - appointing ministers to keep track of various subjects, following the will of the inhabitants of the region (via a body of legislature) and interacting with other regions. Etc.
Essentially a "Mission Statement" (or statement of purpose) for the community that is TNP? A great idea.
I suppose we are looking for a face for TNP throughout NS and someone who can guide to community to (basically) have more fun/be active while still preventing rogue delegates from taking control

Then we need some form of a law-making/suggesting body - this could be as formal as an elected chamber to an informal "town hall" setting

and some appeal process - a judiciary (that doesnt have to be a full-time ordeal)
Speaking of part-time judiciary - how about juries?

Implementing some kind of jury duty would lessen the commitment required from a full-term judge (which essentially consists of lots of boredom with some random days of lots of work), while giving more people the opportunity to contribute a bit.
I wouldn't oppose a reinstitution of juries, but you still want a multimember court for constitutional questions or appeals in my opinion.
I wouldn't oppose a reinstitution of juries, but you still want a multimember court for constitutional questions or appeals in my opinion.
We could have general court that would handle civil matters and also act as a supreme court. An Attorney General, of course, would be implicit to convene juries/grand juries for indictments (rather than have the AG be the sole arbiter of who gets indicted).

Of all the branches of governments that can get over-complicated very quickly, the judicial branch is usually the biggest offender in this department.
It does no good to worry about juries and courts unless you have enough activity to support them, and active people to handle the duties.