Complaints, Petitions and Requests

Gracius Maximus

Tyrant (Ret.)
Please post any legal complaints, petitions or requests in this thread with this format:

Type of Request: (Complaint/Petition/Request)
Description of Issue: (As detailed as possible)
Parties Involved: (If Applicable)
Pertinent Legal Status: (Reference the Constitution, Legal Code or Bill of Rights as applicable)
Mr Attorney General,

Type of request: Complaint

Description of Issue: The Regional Assembly ought to be the lifeblood of our region. Yet at the moment we seem to have a logjam where proposals are being made by assembly members, and are properly seconded, yet the Speaker of the Assembly is not bringing them to formal discussion or vote. Examples would be HEM's motion to remove the delegate (tabled on 2nd June) and my own motion to suspend diplomatic relations with LWU (tabled on 28th June).
Both threads have provoked considerable informal debate, and in my own case I have requested by PM that the Speaker move the debate on, but without reply or action.

My complaint is, quite simply, that the Speaker of the Regional Assembly is not exactly overwhelmed with work, but is not fulfilling the role of his office. Although I disagree with HEM's proposal, a lapse of over a month since the tabling of the proposal is surely a denial of his right as an Assembly Member?

Parties Involved: the Speaker of the Regional Assembly

Pertinent Legal Status:
Constitution, section 2, especially clause 2.
Bill of rights section 5 (arguing that the blocking of legislation is an abuse of power)
Bill of Rights, section 9 (arguing that the government is not organizing and operating based on the fundamental principles of democracy)
Thank you.

I will address this tomorrow evening.

OOC: I had an exam today, took up a lot of my time this week, but I am free this weekend so I will address it.
I am trying to determine if I have the authority within the law to impose an enforcement of duties order on members of the Cabinet. Barring that it seems that the only recourse would be to bring charges based on a failure to uphold the oath of office as a civil offense, which would be equally difficult to uphold.

I will have a firm decision tomorrow. Of course, if the Speaker would simply do his duty this could be handled much easier.
Upon review of the issues put forth by the nation of Flemingovia in regards to the non-action by the Speaker of the Regional Assembly and in light of the Constitution of The North Pacific, specifically Article I, Section 2, Part 2:

TNP Constitution:
2. Proposals for constitutional amendment are immune to veto.

And in conjunction with The North Pacific Bill of Rights, which holds equal weight under the Law, stating that no official may use his or her position to enact or enforce undue action or inaction upon the region, the Office of the Attorney General hereby formally informs the Speaker of the Regional Assembly that he is, in the opinion of the prosecuting arm of TNP's lawful government in breach of his oath of office, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

If immediate action, characterized by compliance with TNP Constitution Article II, Section 2, Parts 1 and 2:

TNP Constitution:
Section 2: Speaker of the Assembly

1. The Assembly is led by the Speaker, whose task it is to lay out a uniform set of guidelines by which proposed legislation and other actions may be considered and voted upon.
2. The Speaker decides the order in which bills will be voted upon and is responsible for opening and closing each vote.

Then the Office of the Attorney General will file formal charges against the Speaker in the Court of The North Pacific for dereliction of duty and violation of the Oath of Office with recommendation that substitutionary Speakership be bestowed upon another nation while the trial is underway.

Compliance is defined as adherence to this filing within 48 hours.
I believe we have passed the 48 hour deadline.

What happens now?

EDIT: I ought to have presented to the court the fact that we have had a RA application outstanding since 1st July as well.

Well, I guess I am going to take this officially to the Court and request Grimalkin be replaced by court order until such time as the Justices can review the proceedings.

I will type up a brief this weekend for submissal.