LibDems of TNP

I am announcing the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party of The North Pacific with this simple statement of principles.

Liberal Democratic Party Statement of Principles:
The Liberal Democratic Party of The North Pacific believes above all things that...

Activity is not an end unto itself, but a means to preserve and protect our community.

No change, however vocal its support, supercedes the Constitution of The North Pacific or the principles therein. Furthermore noting that true, effective reforms must draw from the collected wisdom of existing institutions and bodies.

The belief that the judicial branch and its affiliated offices are not instruments of change, nor should they be used to undermine the legislative authority of the Regional Assembly.

The government should not intervene in the affairs of foreign regions when regional security does not call for such action.
Relatively sensible principles, but what exactly does: "The government must never involve itself in foreign affairs that threaten regional security." mean?
Relatively sensible principles, but what exactly does: "The government must never involve itself in foreign affairs that threaten regional security." mean?
Basically promoting a non-interventionist foreign policy.

I rewrote it. Hope that helps.