Condemn the North Pacific[Archived]


The World Assembly hereby condemns the North Pacific.

The North Pacific is a region of careless WA members. They endorse the funny man, and not the best delegate. While that is their respective right, they are destroying a feeder region programmed into this game, and must be stopped immediately.

To begin, The North Pacific has displayed high changes of Islammic Rule, Lady Gaga Cultship, and Judiac Republicism. The North Pacific is a region of total disrespect. The WA members there endorse people of whom eject nations by the hundreds. And now, a serious situation has arised from their irresponsibility.

The North Pacific, on March 2nd, 2010, ejected 1600 nations from the region, resulting in a 4th most population, to a 12th. The north Pacific has dived into its lowest population since the game was coming off the ground. It is evident that The North Pacific is not taking the region seriuosly, there for deserves this condemnation as a momentum to the day they went out of their way to attempt to destroy a region founded in the game's beginning.

Hereby Condemns the North Pacific.
When ever a new nation is spawned, and is assigned The North Pacific, they will see The North Pacific as a shamed region, which is where it should stand until it decides it is a bit more responsible and mature.

Authored by

He's absolutely right! What happened last night was an outrage, a monstrous egotistical spectacle, nothing but pure vanity.

I approve.
The grammar and syntax of the resolution hurts my eyes. If we are to be condemned, please can it wait until the resolution is phrased in passable prose?
Can we get someone to rewrite this? Lets have a condemnation we can be proud of!

Also one we can read without wanting to rip our eyeballs out the back of our heads.
To begin, The North Pacific has displayed high changes of Islammic Rule, Lady Gaga Cultship, and Judiac Republicism.

Reminds me of that joke

Hitler: I'm going to kill 6 million Jews and one clown.

Nazi: Why one clown?

Hitler: See? No one cares about the Jews!

Lovely show the other night. Made me giggle.