King Durk the Awesome
Liberate Land of the Liberals
A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region
Category: Liberation
Nominee (region): Land of the Liberals
Proposed by: Environmental Rebels
Description: The Security Council,
SURPRISED that Land of the Liberals was invaded by New earth with help from the notorious Nazi europe on December 23, 2009;
NOTING that New Earth now claims the region to be their colony;
(a)"Preventive Liberation" as the action of liberating a presently non-password protected region to prevent the use of the password in the future (e.g. as seen in SC#9);
FEARING that New Earth will refound the region;
FURTHER FEARING that they would disgrace the Land of the Liberals' very name by residing with undemocratic policies;
AWARE that it may be only a matter of days before all the natives are ejected and the invaders password the region;
RECALLING that New Earth has already banned two native nations The Sleepy Backwater of Anbrig and The Republic of Galactic Intrigue at the creation of this resolution;
CERTAIN that if the region is liberated by the Security Council it would be unlikely that the invaders could refound the region, atleast not without a fair amount of difficulty;
WISHING the natives of Land of the Liberals to live free from the threat of refounding and future raids;
PREVENTIVELY LIBERATES the Land of the Liberals to protect the region from the implementation of a password.
Co-authored by Unibot
Votes For: 1,346
Votes Against: 1,459
[Delegate Votes]
Voting Ends: in 3 days
A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region
Category: Liberation
Nominee (region): Land of the Liberals
Proposed by: Environmental Rebels
Description: The Security Council,
SURPRISED that Land of the Liberals was invaded by New earth with help from the notorious Nazi europe on December 23, 2009;
NOTING that New Earth now claims the region to be their colony;
(a)"Preventive Liberation" as the action of liberating a presently non-password protected region to prevent the use of the password in the future (e.g. as seen in SC#9);
FEARING that New Earth will refound the region;
FURTHER FEARING that they would disgrace the Land of the Liberals' very name by residing with undemocratic policies;
AWARE that it may be only a matter of days before all the natives are ejected and the invaders password the region;
RECALLING that New Earth has already banned two native nations The Sleepy Backwater of Anbrig and The Republic of Galactic Intrigue at the creation of this resolution;
CERTAIN that if the region is liberated by the Security Council it would be unlikely that the invaders could refound the region, atleast not without a fair amount of difficulty;
WISHING the natives of Land of the Liberals to live free from the threat of refounding and future raids;
PREVENTIVELY LIBERATES the Land of the Liberals to protect the region from the implementation of a password.
Co-authored by Unibot
Votes For: 1,346
Votes Against: 1,459
[Delegate Votes]
Voting Ends: in 3 days