I ride, you decide!

Hey guys, I need your help!

Next summer I'd like to travel, but I can't decide where.

Every opinion or inside knowledge is welcome!

It is one of these:

-Central America (from Mexico down to Panama, maybe Colombia).
That would be the easiest and most obvious option, the flights are the cheapest, I'd travel with a friend who lives there and I know the language).

-Southeast Asia (maybe not the whole tour, quite a large region!). The most exciting I'd say, and the most classic travel region. Plus I'd follow the paths of one of the most delightful TNPans. Farest away and most expensive plane ticket.

-Central Asia! Certainly the most exotic and original, but is it worth it? The closest option.

Thanks a lot.
I had a dream last night that I was traveling around Mexico and the road signs were constructed with construction paper and markers... probably not that far from reality :unsure:
Mexico is have a Drug War at the moment...and while that might seems like normal old Mexico keep in mind that the government right now is dragging political dissidents out into the streets in the middle of the night like it's nobody's business and there are over 1,000 deaths a year directly related to the Drug War with 5,731 killed during this year alone.

Plus the cartels have a nasty habit of kidnapping First World citizens and holding them ransom.
Central America isn't the best of choices. The region is constantly in turmoil. Civil war this, military coup that. I'd recommend Southeast Asia though. Fantastic region of the world. Beautiful place. Just be prepared to sweat. So humid. D:
But they say that Central America is fantastic too!
And Southeast Asia has its share of turmoil too (Thailand for example), plus the communist thug regimes shouldn't be that much fun either.
You should visit Montana instead... we're third-world, off the beaten track, and a totally different culture :P

In all seriousness- Central Asia is a pretty stable area compared to the other two mentioned... The PRC always sucks but they're good to tourists at least.
But they say that Central America is fantastic too!
And Southeast Asia has its share of turmoil too (Thailand for example), plus the communist thug regimes shouldn't be that much fun either.
The communists wont bother you that much. I've had far more problems with kleptocracies (ie, Cambodia) than the commies (Vietnam). Most of the officials and police i met in vietnam just wanted me to hurry up and get out of their jurisdiction before anything happened to me.

When is all this happening VZ? i'll be back in asia for a few months and can show you around if our paths cross.

As for the whole stability thing, what fun is safe travel? ;)
I'll also be travelling for (hopefully) the better part of next year. If anyone is keen to catch up in southeast asia, western europe, north america or japan i'd be up for it.
Come to Britain,

We have deeper snow than Montana
More sunshine than California
Bigger mountains than Alaska
More tornados than Kansas

Plus, we know how to make a cup of tea without referring to an instruction manual.
In Western Europe, I could come (and show you around) anywhere really.
No Eastern Europe? Prague? :D
I'd love to get to eastern europe but i have conferences to go to in the states and japan, so i dont think i'll have time. i could rush through, but i want to give it the time it deserves. hopefully i get a phd scholarship somewhere in europe in the next year or two and can explore more then.

it'd be rad to catch up with you somewhere in europe though VZ.

are you any closer to deciding where you're heading?
Mecca is forbidden for non-muslims!

We'll never get to go on a Hajj, Loop. :o
