Proposal for the RMB


I and the Silly Party here for propose that the following be ammended to The NP spam act (If it exists I still havn't read all the laws)

All regional adspam must contain the following as the final line in the message post whether posted on the RMB or in a Telegram.
"Regardless of your opinion of our message or region I urge you to please visit and play the games every correct answer you make will give 10 grains of rice to a hungry person somewhere, it may not seem like a lot but the more people playing the more rice donated."

adspam not bearing this message will be warned 1 time, afterward the messager will be banned from the region The North Pacific.

(Please note the message addition need not be that exact message, the RA may design a new one, one that has a better ending because the last part of mine is kinda bleh)
aah well asa member of both regions, I feel getting it as law in both regions will make even more free rice.
Repetative yes I agree, but here is the beauty of it,
We get to make use of something that annoys us to feed hungry people.
That it does Mr Freeman, more sense than you can imagine, , , you see Mr Freeman, things you can do for the good of all, are the better things, you cannot appreciate that now but soon you will.

(wow if you add Mr Freeman to places in my posts they are really creepy)
Interesting idea, surely give more works for our delegate to do, but he deserved it. :)

Also, maybe if this does work then we could change it to something that direct the people to our forum instead. Something like this:

"Regardless of your opinion of our message or region I urge you to considered visiting first before making any decisions. After all, there is no place better then home."
such a message while good for the region is inherently bad Karma, the Free Rice one is good Karma tho as it does a good deed for the needy.
Hmm not sure if they did then I doubt those bombings would be going on all the time or some of the other stuff like woman oppression, nichevo,
Allah and Mohammed would be giddy like schoolgirls if we passed this proposal into law.
Hmm not sure if they did then I doubt those bombings would be going on all the time or some of the other stuff like woman oppression, nichevo,
Allah and Mohammed would be giddy like schoolgirls if we passed this proposal into law.
a verse from Muslim holy book Quran
if u kill a innocent person its as if u have killed the whole humanity , if u save single innocent person its as if u have saved the whole humanity
terrorists do not have religion remember majority of millions killed in second world war were killed by christians .
IMO the best contemporary 'Christian' analogy to modern-day 'Islamic-extremist' type terrorists would probably be the KKK. But yes I basically agree. The US needs to retreat from the region asap.

Anyway... back on topic :P
Hmm not sure if they did then I doubt those bombings would be going on all the time or some of the other stuff like woman oppression, nichevo,
Allah and Mohammed would be giddy like schoolgirls if we passed this proposal into law.
a verse from Muslim holy book Quran
if u kill a innocent person its as if u have killed the whole humanity , if u save single innocent person its as if u have saved the whole humanity
the Quoran was written in AOLese?

just to clarify what I was saying,
I doubt Karma is a major concern of the Islamics because A, it is a Hindu concept and the islamic world is currently not too tolerant of outside beliefs.

and B, if they cared about Karma, then I seriously doubt that they would condone or approve of such events as hijackings and suicide bombings as they are really big on the Negative Karma scale.

and lastly the giddy bit is to say that I believe Mohammed and Allah would like something that promoted charity as one of the major tennents of Islam is Supposed to be Charity for All, but these days it seems to be all about killing infidels which is a bad thing.
From quran
(99:7) So, whoever does an atom’s weight of good shall see it;
(99:8) and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil shall see it.

If that's not karma i give up
From quran
(99:7) So, whoever does an atom’s weight of good shall see it;
(99:8) and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil shall see it.

If that's not karma i give up
Hmm good point, very similar to Karma,

but the original was a querry about Karma and the belief in it, and if it were truly belived in, then that atom statement you posted would get folks thinking, and not bombing.

I Really need to get a copy of that book tho and look it over and all.
but I am sure I will find stuff that confuses me.

but when you think about it Christians and Jews are told by their book to be good and all, and they have their radicals but they in general are all,
"Hey there Jasper, calm your butt down" if someone does something that needs condeming,
but in Islam sure there is not a lot of outward condone ing in the moderate Islamic groups but there is also not a lot of open condemnation, a Islamic guy I know locally really great guy but he Will Not condemn and actions by an islamic against a jew.

and another well rememer that iranian gal what was shot in the head,
when they showed her on the news one night at work telling about her he and I were watching and he went Ape with hatred, a more beautiful string of obscenities in broken english I have never heard.

Middle eastern peace will not come about until the world all says
"assorted Cleatii, we are gonna build a wall around your whole region, and it is yours, we will not come in and you Will Not leave. anyone trying to go in or out will be killed. Have a nice day"

seriously there are lots of ilsamics in SE Asia and they are pretty stable folk, and there are Islamics in Canada and the US and they are stable too, what gives?