The Defense might not like

The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to steal my favourite shirt.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to butcher a synthesizer .
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to TYPE IN ALL CAPS.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to invent a new form of psychological torture.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to invade the Rejected Realms.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to up the price of airfares to Hong Kong overnight.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to [eat the last slice of cake].
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to have their cake and eat it too.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to blame it on the boogie.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE!
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to overcharge for rubbish beers
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to insult the Attorney Geberak.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to question my suit making ability.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to remind the Court to have the Defense better coordinate with each other several thousand times.
The Defense might not like what the witness has to say but that gives them no right to ignore the accuser's stares.