Commend Equilism

Dyr Nasad

Commend Equilism
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.

Category: Commendation

Nominee: Equilism

Proposed by: Todd McCloud

Description: OBSERVING Equilism as a leader in the user-created regions of NationStates.

BELIEVING Equilism to be a breeding ground for very intelligent, talented players in all aspects of the game, most notably in gameplay aspects, especially in dealing with regional politics. Equilism has produced very strong players throughout its history.

RECOGNIZING the unwavering amount of activity, both in-game and out of game, which includes, but is not limited to, roleplaying, hosting inter-regional events, and harboring various political events and strategies. We also recognize the E-Army and all of its achievements.

UNDERSTANDING Equilism's ability to maintain regional population and teach players on different aspects of the game.

OFFICIALLY commending the user-created region of Equilism and all of its efforts as committed by its inhabitants.
Off the record: Anyone else already bored of the commend/condemn feature? Turns the WA into a popularity contest (moreso).

I'm not sure how I'm going to vote yet. Equilism is a great region, with great players. I've stopped by there forum a couple of times, and I have friends in the region. They are active, and have a good army. I'm just not sure if this is enough for a commendation. This description would fit half a dozen regions with ease.

There was a time when I would have commended Equilism without hesitation. These days, less so - both in terms of their level of activity and their attitude and actions.
I would like to note that Dyr Nasad's WA nation is in The East Pacific, and not The North Pacific. I don't know if that goes against your voting policy, but I just wanted to mention this.
...and to be in the RA you have to have a nation in TNP.

The rules for voting aren't codified anywhere (maybe we should chnage that...), there's nothing that tells me I have to vote way or another, or at all; it's just executive privilege.

However, for the record, it seems fair if only nations in TNP get to decide how the delegate votes.