Vote: Party Name


We have had many suggestions so let us narrow this down to 5. After that we will choose from that 5 and have a name. Just post your eRepublic Name with your 5 (or less) choices:

The Blue/Green/Red Party - 2 votes
The National Party - 1 votes
Naturally Sexy
New State
New State Order - 2 votes
The Old Guard - 2 votes
Operation: Spearhead
The Pioneers - 1 votes
The Trailblazers
Vanguard - 4 votes
Unity Federation (or Newspeak style to UniFed.)4 votes
National Syndicate - 1 votes
Technocratic International
New Sanctum
Brotherhood of States
Novus Syndicus - 4 votes
New Syndicate
The Teddy Bear Alliance - 3 votes
New State Organisation
eRepublic Name:

Choices (in order of preference):
The Blue Party
Unity Federation
Novus Syndicus
National Syndicate
eRepublik Name: Andrew Nadroj (organization: Ator, Company: Ator Marketplace)

Choices (in order of preference):

The Pioneers
The Old Guard
The Teddy Bear Alliance
The Blue Party
erepublic name: Flemingovia

1. The National Party
2. The Old Guard
3. Novus Syndicus = New Syndicate

Those are really the only ones i like.
eRepublik Name: Kid A

The Teddy Bear Alliance
Unity Federation

Edit: I'd like to copyright Technocratic International. It's a completely innappropriate name, I don't know what it means, but it sounds really badass, and I'm sure I could find some use.

I'm sure I posted this before, but Vanguard; since RB's done a nice logo for it.

Edit; my eRepublik name should be pretty obvious