Party Logo

Please be sure to read up on The Scheme, if you haven't done so yet.

As required by the game, our party must have a logo. What are your ideas? Discussion will last 3 days (ideally) before we'll vote. If needed, we'll go for longer.
I noticed on the eUK forums there is someone who's a fairly prominent person in their government (can't think of the name) who uses the Dark Side of the Moon for their avatar as well.

I think that perhaps we should have a name before we have a logo? Shouldn't they be linked sort of? Similiar themes or whatever.

I might be biased, but I do think the following symbol, that I've used here in NS, is a pretty solid logo, looks pretty British - and probably reflects positive values. Just a thought.


But in any case, I do agree MDH, it certainly should have some sort of tie to the name - which we'll need to work on more extensively. Tweedy. U won't ever get rid of him.

I still do Logo Design as a side thing to my Technologies Consultant business. So, just answer these questions, I will poll the suggestions and then get Thel to help me with the design. We will present 3 versions for your approval and comment.

What Colors would you like to have? Which is the dominant Color?

Any figures such as Lions head, Pirate, Ship etc would you like to be incorporated?

What type of feel would u like it to express? Cool, Hot, Techy, Liniar?

Would you want it to look professional with the Party Name and Logo?

Do you just want the logo with no text?

Do you want it to incorporate letters with a design (like TNP and the logo around it)?

Do you want a simple text logo where the Letters are the logo?
Alot of those questions depend upon the actual logo itself, and that on the name. Personally, I prefer the stronger (aggressive?) colors in a logo...reds/orange/yellow/purple maybe etc. I think a logo with text beneath would be good - so that we can cut out the words if we ever want to use the symbol at times.

It depends upon the name, but if we go with something like Novus Syndicus - or something that doesn't really need to be associated with a particular picture...I obviously like the lion's head. Maroon/gold probably symbolize a sort of upper-class, royalty-type image. But thats just me.

Other suggestions?
I have always been fond of Dragons. However, Lion or Dragon should be representative of the type of...image we want to portray.

A Lion is generally a symbol for Courage, Pride and Strength. A Dragon is generally Symbolic of Loyalty, Protection and has a spiritual significance.

But these are personal likes. We should think more on what we all as a group would like to portray and find an icon that best suits that.
Until we figure our name and our exact ideology, any logo choice will be completely arbitrary, with people choosing things that they personally like and which do not necessarily match the rest of the organization.

Symbolism is important, so we can't just say some animal or another is cool, lets make it our logo or something.
A lil more Syd? What is that representing? (no sarcasm...seriously asking)

Answers to the questions stated above will more quickly help to get this done.

We do need a name that is correct. But these questions can still be answered:
What type of feel would u like it to express? Cool, Hot, Techy, Liniar?

Would you want it to look professional with the Party Name and Logo?

Do you just want the logo with no text?

Do you want it to incorporate letters with a design (like TNP and the logo around it)?

Do you want a simple text logo where the Letters are the logo?

Haha Flem your second one would look kinda cool, if altered to look more logo-ish. And the woman more attractive. ;)

Imo, logo combined with party name (which should be beneath, or detached, though).

We should get a lil serious about this so we can get it done. RB is getting antsy and wants to get to work on the new forum!! :yes:
I suggest a Blue and Red Logo using the Party Name Lettering. Perhaps in a crest instead of a flag...flags are too NS. We could add Lions or dragons around the crest. Also, if anyone likes Laurels or other types of symbolic decoration please suggest.
It still depends on the name - but I believe the logo should be a pretty simple shape, but impressionable. Something that you can recognize a mile away.

Not sure about red/ me they're conflicting colors. Red/gold, blue/white, red/white, blue/grey ...combinations that contrast less oppositely, like those, strike me as more appealing.

I've been messing around on Photoshop a little...I'm liking the potential the suggested name 'Vanguard' could have as an image...
