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Currently in eRep there are two very powerful alliances, PEACE and ATLANTIS. eUK, the location of most of us is in ATLANTIS, so it would make a lot of sense to lean towards them.

However, I believe that it is in our best interests to remain as neutral as is possible (open for discussion) without looking like pansies sitting on a fence. So, I think we should have as much information on the two alliances as possible to best make our decision.

PEACE (Click for more detail)

ATLANTIS (Click for more detail)

Click for quick comparison between alliances.

If anybody has any further information on PEACE, or ATLANTIS, feel free to add it in this thread.

I will also be doing some kind of comparison economically and militarily between the two alliances in the next couple of days, however if anyone else wants to give it a shot, feel free.

Opinions I have gathered on PEACE and ATLANTIS

Two pugilists slugging it out in a war of attrition, one side will get sick of it sooner or later.

...PEACE operatives are typically tarred and feathered

PEACE Full Details

Contains: Bulgaria, Portugal, Brazil, Italy, Indonesia, Hungary, Venezuela, Japan, Iran, France, Netherlands, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Slovenia, Thailand, Serbia and Turkey.
49,308 Citizens
Secretary General: Zocky

Other: PEACE is largely made up of eastern countries, in contrast to ATLANTIS. It has been said that lately PEACE is anything other than peaceful.


Average Citizen Level: 13
Total GDP: 12,657.61 Gold
GDP per head: 0.2567 Gold


Average Strength: 3.5378
Total Alliance Strength: 174,441.8424

ATLANTIS Full Details

Contains: Canada, Croatia, Finland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, UK, and USA. Passive Nations: Greece, Israel, Germany, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Active: 64,699 Citizens
Total: 68,075 Citizens
Supreme Commander: Hassan Pesaran

Other: Atlantis is made predominantly of western countries.


Average Citizen Level: 13
Total GDP: 11,798.90 Gold
GDP per head: 0.1733 Gold


Average Strength: 3.4764
Total Active Alliance Strength: 224,919.6036
Total Alliance Strength: 236,655.93



Peace outnumbers Atlantis, 1.2:1


Atlantis outnumbers Peace, 1.38:1


Average Citizen Level is equal.
In Total GDP, Peace outnumber Atlantis, 1.07:1
In GDP per Head, Peace outnumber Atlantis, 1.48:1

Peace have a considerably stronger economy than Atlantis.


In Average Citizen Strength Peace outnumber Atlantis, 1.02:1
In Total Alliance Strength Atlantis outnumber Peace, 1.36:1

Atlantis and Peace have very similar average citizen strength however in total, Atlantis have a much stronger military. This however is easily explained by their much higher population.

My hapless prole leads a doubleplusungood life; wake up, go to work for a pittance, train in the army, eat cheapo food, repeat!
We can always set up parties in both a PEACE nation and an ATLANTIS nation.

Heck, we could even try to set up in one of the new nations and try to prevent it from joining either, though that wouldn't last long. :P