If people think they would like this...I was thinking a dedicated Technology and Media section for those discussions would be cool. Technology we all know what that is...media (copy and paste please forgive its crudeness:
Media (communication), tools used to store and deliver information or data
* Advertising media, various media, content, buying and placement for advertising
* Electronic media, communications delivered via electronic or electromechanical energy
o Digital media, electronic media used to store, transmit, and receive digitized information
+ Electronic Business Media, digital media for electronic business
o Hypermedia, media with hyperlinks
o Multimedia, communications that incorporate multiple forms of information content and processing
* Print media, communications delivered via paper or canvas
* Published media, any media made available to the public
o Mass media, all means of mass communication
+ Broadcast media, communications delivered over mass electronic communication networks
+ News media, mass media focused on communicating news
* Recording
Also, if the community could benefit...many of us are professionals in certain fields such as Technology, Graphic arts, computer Networking, Teaching, Construction and maintenance....we could have a thread for help or aid in these fields via the forum. I for one have helped many NSers in regards to their construction projects, computer networking and repair.
How does this sound?