Invisionfree spam prevention

Invisionfree announced the following spam protection feature on March 29th:

We should see far fewer adspam and pornspam as a result of this change:

March 29th, 2009
Earlier this month we introduced our new passive spam protection feature on InvisionFree. As you may have noticed, this system prevents spambots from registering on your community.

After several weeks of testing we're happy to say we think it's been a great success. We've received reports from boards that say it's successfully caught hundreds of spambots attempting to register on their forum. If you were having trouble with bots before, I'm sure you can agree that this not only saves time, but helps keep your community free of spam.

One of the best things about this new feature is that it requires ABSOLUTELY no work from you or your members. You don't have to set up filters, and your members don't have to read blurry images to prove they're not a bot.

We hope you enjoy it and we'll keep improving the system so that you can spend time with your community, not fighting bots.

~The InvisionFree Team