Implementation of COPS Treaty

Article II of the Convention on Off-Site Property Security, which was ratified by the Assembly in January of 2008 required the signatories to adopt laws making certain acts criminal offenses under regional law.

Almost immediately after that convention was ratified, a rogue Delegacy ensued, and no legislation was brought forth to fully implement the Convention. This proposal seeks to remedy that oversight.

For simplicity’s sake, the new offenses will be added to Law 22, and the definitions from the treaty will be used to define the prohibited conduct.

LAW 22

Section 5. Crashing, Phishing, or Spamming
A. Definitions
As used in this Section:
“Crashing” refers to any action which could cause a forum to go out of service or lose information, including the deletion of posts, the deletion of the forum, spamming, or any other act of this kind.
“Forum” refers to the official offsite forums of The North Pacific.
“Off-site property” refers to any forums, websites or Wiki pages owned or maintained by resident citizens of The North Pacific, or any other Nationstates nation, organization or region, outside of
“Phishing” refers to any attempts to gain forum controls or passwords by deception, especially by posing as administrators or moderators,
“Spamming” refers to any action undertaken by non-region nationals to waste space on forums or to cause forums to crash. This includes any attempts to force a DOS error on forums and any attempts to flood the RMB of a region which is not that nation’s normal abode.
B. Prohibited Acts
1. All forms of forum crashing, spamming and phishing are prohibited and may be punished as criminal acts.
2. No Nation of The North Pacific may order, condone, or accept as legal, those acts prohibited by Clause 1 of this subsection.
3. Punishment for the commission of these prohibited acts may include any penalty deemed appropriate by law, including ejection or banning by the Delegate, or restrictions or banning by official forum administration, or both.

Comments? Suggestions?

Oh -- here's the treaty itself
The Convention on Off Site Property Security


We, the undersigned, disgusted with the inexcusable practice of forum crashing and its attendant evils, wish to use this treaty as a means to work for the eradication of the practice.


Crashing: any action which could cause a forum to go out of service or lose information, including: the deletion of posts, the deletion of the forum, spamming, or any other act of this kind.

Legal: In accordance with the rules of Nationstates as set out on the site.

Off-site property: Any forums, websites or Wiki pages owned or maintained by a Nationstates nation, organization or region.

Signatories: The regions and nations who sign and the organizations on whose behalf they sign the treaty.

Spamming: Any action undertaken by non-region nationals to waste space on forums or to cause forums to crash. This includes any attempts to force a DOS error on forums and any attempts to flood the RMB of a region which is not your normal abode.

Phishing: Any attempts to gain forum controls or passwords by deception, especially by posing as administrators or moderators.


We, the undersigned, do agree to adhere to all the regulations set out below and do hereby accept the right of all nations, regions and alliances to create and maintain off-site property without hindrance, annoyance or any behaviour which could prevent the free exercise of this right. We commit to specifically refrain from all forms of forums crashing, spamming and phishing and condemn these acts as illegal and destructive. We also agree that no such act shall be ordered, condoned or accepted as legal by us or those nations and regions whom we represent and influence.


We agree that proper geopolitical requirements and cooperation are a key to preventing those who engage in acts proscribed in this treaty from continuing to do so. Signatories to this treaty agree to multilateral cooperation and further agree to enact laws against acts proscribed in this Treaty on a regional or organisational basis as one of the requirements for full membership. To fulfill the second requirement of membership we further agree that nations and entities that engage in these acts will gain no safe haven in member regions and organizations. To that effect we assert the right of all members to bring charges and try those that engage in these acts within their court system.


In order to be a member of this Treaty, a prospective member region or organization must meet the above requirements of Section II, ratify it within their region or organization and send a legal signatory to post their acceptance of the Treaty terms within the ACCEL and TWP areas where the original Treaty will be held in trust for all member regions and organizations. This treaty shall be binding and shall remain in effect from the time a signatory is added to the list, to the time they post a request to leave the Treaty. While the decision of a signatory to leave this treaty shall be unfortunate, it shall not be construed as support for, or intention to commit any of the acts condemned in this treaty. This treaty shall be considered supplementary to and not a replacement for any treaty in force between any and all of the signatories.


Given the scope and purpose of this treaty, signing the treaty does not necessarily mean that signatories are in political or diplomatic agreement on any other matter bar the matters attended to in the text of this treaty. It is the hope of the signatories that, given that forum crashing may affect regions of all sizes and political views, this treaty shall be signed by as many regions and organizations as possible. Any and all signatories are hereby granted the right and encouraged to invite others to sign this treaty.

Founding Regions and Primary Signatories:


The West Pacific


Lazarus (qualified. Signed on 08/19/2007)

I, Lewis and Clark, Elected UN Delegate of The North Pacific, with the authority invested in me by the Constitution, hereby sign The Convention on Off Site Property Security (COPS) Treaty and introduce it to the Regional Assembly.

Signed this 18th Day of January, 2008
Indeed. Although I would hope none of our citizens would engage in such dirty tricks, we need to have something to point to if they do.
This bill has proven to be bogus, I'm a critic of it because the signed regions never follow up on nations convicted under the COPS treaty.
Seriously, I have no idea what the other signatories may nor may not have done as far as their treaty obligations are concerned. And that issue isn't relevant to the fact that we, as The North Pacific obligated ourselves to make the treaty enforceable by enacted laws in our region that implement the treaty's requirement to make certain actions illegal.

It's something that should have been done a year ago, And it got overlooked due to the other events that went on at the time.

I see no reason why, once we have fulfilled our treaty obligation, we proceed to assurances from the other signatories that they have in fact brought themselves into compliance.
If there's nothing further to raise in preliminary discussions, then this will forward to formal discussions in a couple of days.

That way, the VD confirmation will be completed, and the inactivity checks will be finished as well.