Statement From Acting FA Minister



The Acting FA Minister HEM
For Immediate Release, 2/27/09

To the Citizens, Assemblymen, Ministers and Delegate of The North Pacific:

I stand before you today in a very precarious position. Today I arrived online, learning that I will be taking the mantel temporarily as Foreign Minister here in The North Pacific. I am honored for this privilege. Our standard Minister has not been on for a week now, and the chances of him returning to full service are completely unknown.

But, I will be honest with you. Now that I have the authority to inflect change and improvement on this Department. I will use it. Over the next few hours and says I intend to review the Department and start re-organizing it by methods I have witnessed and implanted elsewhere to great effect.

I do not intend to make radical foreign policy changes, but the organization structure needs a revamp to make the Department more effective and capable of doings its job. Including the creation and distribution of updates.

I hope that I have the full support of the region in my endeavors. Only time will tell if our permanent Minister returns to service, or whom will be appointed in his steed. Until that time, I will act as if I am Minister. Which, may be a bit pompous, but I feel will benefit this department and region to not have an inactive filler sitting in office.

I thank you all for your cooperation and support,

HEM Tiberius, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs

Thanks for taking care of this. May I suggest you enlist the skills of Govindia in assisting you in your task.