Outer Kharkistania
January 8, 2009
Population: 2,425 nations
Delegate: The 09 Nation of The Tresville Element
Vice Delegate: The Soyedinyonniyi Schtati of Zemnaya Svoboda
Forum: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?, IRC: #tnp on esper.net
Government Updates
Regional Assembly
Elections: Elections for Delegate, Vice Delegate, Speaker of the Regional Assembly, and Council of Lower Officers were held, resulting in the election of Sydia as new Vice Delegate, Eluvatar as new Speaker, and new CLO members FALKONCATS, Falconias, and Namyeknom.
Neither Flemingovia or Tresville garnered enough votes to constitutionally be elected Delegate, so a run-off appears imminent.
- Several Discussions were/are being held on the Actions/Powers of the Speaker of the Assembly. Most prominent is a proposed Ban on the Speaker Lobbying RA Members in support of a particular Vote.
- An Amendment Proposal preventing preferential appointments based on Influence was discussed.
- A New Election Code was proposed.
- Two different Electoral Reform Laws were voted on and rejected.
- The RA passed an Amendment establishing a Security Council of High Influence Nations after a drawn out legislative and judicial battle.
- An Amendment establishing a procedure for Impeaching government officials was passed.
- Minor Corrections were made to the wording of the Bill of Rights, and the wording of the Article on Treaty Approval was slightly modified.
Interior Affairs
- The Office of Interior Affairs has been maintaining and updating the new InfoBox on The TNP forums.
- The Fourth Annual North Pacific Awards Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 8:00pm EST. Please Join Us!
Defense and Security
- The North Pacific Army is currently recruiting. Applicants need not be members of The North Pacific.
- The NPA launched a Friendship Tour of the Feeders to reintroduce The North Pacific to its neighbors.
- The Office of Arts and Entertainment introduced the Poll of the Week, asking such heady Questions as "Which is your Favorite Feeder?", "Which is your Least Favorite Feeder?", and "What do you think of NS2?".