Whatever it is TP and TWP are doing, we need to do


Something I've noticed from our friendship tour; compared to our sister feeders. our RMB is a total shambles. Regardé:

5 hours ago  The Allied Socialist Republics of Montav  Greetings all. I am Karl Montav of Walbard Union. It's a nice, small region, with lots of cool stuff to do. So come on over and join the fun, gain influence and have an impact!
3 hours ago  The Low Rise Jeans of MOs Long Lost Twin  Morning everyone
3 hours ago  The Borderlands of Robbinston  Good morning, TWP.
Seems the spammers are back from holiday..
2 hours ago  The Wagons East of Todler  morning folks
117 minutes ago  The Allied States of The West Hand of Kurds  Morning and afternoon my many friends.
116 minutes ago  The Magnificent Obsession of Wickedly evil people  it is a fine morning.

*brews coffee*
108 minutes ago  The Low Rise Jeans of MOs Long Lost Twin  Coffee.Thanks WEP.It´s been raining in biblical proportions here, I don´t feel like going out.
72 minutes ago  The Magnificent Obsession of Wickedly evil people  glad to do it Mo, I may be heading to the golf course later.

crazy weather, two weeks ago it was -18c and now it's golf time.
60 minutes ago  The Low Rise Jeans of MOs Long Lost Twin  Crazy weather indeed..
36 minutes ago  The Dali sa Pilipinas of George Bush da Loser  hai pipz!!!!!!!!!!!!1


One piece of 5 hour adspam that's 4 lines long! That's from TWP.

The Pacific's RMB:
13 hours ago  The Parliamentary Republic of Ramaba  Good night Pacificans, and Happy New Year
10 hours ago  The Cold and Wet Person of Fishtopia and army  Hey all! Do you want to sit own and have a cup of joe or listen to the band play?

The Come to 'The Corner Cafe'! It is a mellow place with good food, nice music, and friendly people.

We also have jobs open in the band at the moment so dont hesitate to sign up!
9 hours ago  The Republic of Islamic Malaysia  free palestine
8 hours ago  The Principality of My Lost Serenity  I play guitar and piano. Also, no.

Good evening, everyone!
8 hours ago  The People's Republic of Bewton  I am from Land of United Nations. We were recently founded and are eager to grow. If you came to Land of United Nations you will have a say in government.
Please come to Land of United Nations.
6 hours ago  The Allied Socialist Republics of Montav  Greetings all. I am Karl Montav of Walbard Union. It's a nice, small region, with lots of cool stuff to do. So come on over and join the fun, gain influence and have an impact!
3 hours ago  The Principality of My Lost Serenity  Casual Friday at work today. I'm feeling a suite...
91 minutes ago  The Commonwealth of Le Saintes  FELLOW NATIONS


53 minutes ago  The Black Jackboots of Krulltopia  Despite the fact that you've unendorsed Moo yourself?
52 minutes ago  The Black Jackboots of Krulltopia  Clarification: you claim to be against Maiden Sun, yet you have unendorsed the sitting delegate?
Again, very tiny amounts of adspam, the oldest of which is 10 hours.

Now ours;
19 hours ago  The World Union of The Imperium-  Hello; I am Imperium and I represent the founder of a region called Bern. We are a… old but new region that is now interested in recruiting nations such as (insert compliment here) like you and we would love to have you here. When we have enough members our founder will initiate a government act that will let nations that are first picked and later elected to help lead the region. Our Region represents a grand opportunity for new and old nations; even if you don’t plan to stay a long time it can be a good place to start off at.

To join:
1: Click my nations name
2: Click the link next to the words REGION: it should say Bern.
3: Click Like what you see? Move (Insert your name here) to Bern today!
19 hours ago  The Armed Republic of Whereisthatistan  Happy New Year everybody.
16 hours ago  The Oppressed Peoples of Egyptoland  The Region of Democrats!
A great region where people of all political affiliations may debate freely. Conservative? No problem! Join the Democrats Conservative Party. Leftist liberal? You'll fit in wonderfully! Join one of our political parties, or run for public office in our upcoming elections. All are welcome.
If you have any questions, comments, or just need directions to Democrats, please send either myself or the Recruiting Nation of Erasmo a telegram. Thank you for your time, and the Region of Democrats hopes to see you soon!
14 hours ago  The Vista of New Tiger Stripes  Circle of Badularity - The relaxed region.... where everyone is welcome. The perfect place to sit back and let your nation grow and develop without pressure to join forums or make other commitments.
13 hours ago  The Parliamentary Republic of Ramaba  Hello, the 4th and 5th Fleets of the Ramaban Parliamentary Navy have returned from the first leg of the Allied NPA tour of the Feeders.
11 hours ago  The TNP Interior Minister of Ator People  Happy New Year!
10 hours ago  The Cold and Wet Person of Fishtopia and army  Hey all! Do you want to sit own and have a cup of joe or listen to the band play?

The Come to 'The Corner Cafe'! It is a mellow place with good food, nice music, and friendly people.

We also have jobs open in the band at the moment so dont hesitate to sign up!
8 hours ago  The People's Republic of Bewton  I am from Land of United Nations. We were recently founded and are eager to grow. If you came to Land of United Nations you will have a say in government.
Please come to Land of United Nations.
6 hours ago  The Allied Socialist Republics of Montav  Greetings all. I am Karl Montav of Walbard Union. It's a nice, small region, with lots of cool stuff to do. So come on over and join the fun, gain influence and have an impact!
9 minutes ago  The TNP Interior Minister of Ator People  OUR ELECTIONS HAVE BEGUN! Candidates are as follows:


Vice Delegate:


CLO (3 seats):

Be sure to vote if you are in the Regional Assembly (RA). If you are not in the RA, why not join now?

Oh, dear. TP has 3 instances of spam, TWP has 1. In both instances not over 4 lines.
Then there's us. 19 hour old chunk of adspam to kick off, then 5 other instances.

I don't care if TWP and TP are questioning the parentage of recruiters, fending them off with 'yo momma so fat' jibes, sacrificing goats; whatever. We need to start doing it.

And in response to the reply "But Sydia, you charismatic stallion, every RMB has good spells and bad spells, you can't just cherry pick to prove your point - plus TNP's fleet adds activity, so it's an unfair comparison," to which I reply; this is just what I've copied and pasted now, but it's been consistently like this. I could have picked yesterday, the day before, it wouldn't matter. Plus, neither TP or TWP have mention of our friendly fleet.
Agreed. I've been trying to push some off, but I've been pretty busy doing it other places for PR :lol:

I did manage to get back to help clear off that terrible 50 line adspam, though. :shrug:
There are "some" that believe the RMB in The Pacific is such because of several years of homegrown indoctrination and fear that has led to stagnation in the region overall, even for the ad spammers.