On current RA practice...

If the Speaker wants to canvas, he can have that right.

He should just know that it'd probably be counter productive and irk people off, and might lose him more votes than it gains him.

However, if he has that right, then I think RA members also have to the right to vote against stuff without their motivations being questioned.
Wait... WHAT!??

This makes no sense. This is not how Abstentions were counted in RA votes before. I remember very clearly the vote on the amendment to ban Lexiconians, er, I mean to change the way admission into the RA worked.

Click Me.
See here, posted earlier by Grosse:

As some point after my first tenure on the Court, the Court apparently issued a decision that absentions had to be counted in the RA and in elections. When I learned of it, I disagreed with it, but unless the Court recerses that precedent, or until the RA enacts a different rule, that precedent still applies.
I would like a reference to that..
Eluvatar, as best as I can recall, it was sometime in the April to August of 2006. I was relatively inactive then (but that was after I had served my two terms as Prime Minister, and was very limited in my internet access during that period).

If I can figure out where the thread is, I'll get a link. But as I said, it was something that came up and was decided and I really didn't read it until after it was decided.