Proxy Server Usage Law

Al Homa

Proxy Server Usage Law

Clauses 1 and 2 of Section One of Article I of the Proxy Server Usage Law to be amended as follows:

The use of a proxy server by a forum user to conceal a forum user's host server is declared to be a security risk to the region.

1. The Such use of a proxy server by a Member Nation that is a member of The North Pacific Army or Intelligence Agencies shall require the prior express authorization of said official entity which may be disclosed confidentially to other government officials only in the performance of their official duties.

2. Such use of a proxy server by a member Nation that applies for Regional Assembly membership is prohibited, and constitutes a criminal offense that may subject the violator to a permanent ban from the regional forum, ejection from the region by the UN WA Delegate, or both. This provision may be enforced prior to, or subsequent to, a trial in the manner provided by law.

This is just a simple amendment of the language used to ties these clauses in with the afore stated requirement for such an act to be considered illegal. Knockavale's unintentional use of a proxy server does not disguise their host server and so shouldn't be considered illegal but the language currently adopted by the law still makes it possible for him to be prosecuted. A simple amendment like I have proposed will prevent this in the future.

Feel free to draw out discussion on such a simple amendment though because we won't be putting it up for a vote until after the holidays!
At the time Knockavale used the proxy, it concealed whatever actual host he was accessing the forum from. I cannot say if that host was the same as the host he usually does.

This law would do nothing.
I don't see changing the two instances of "the" to "such" accomplishes anything-..

As far as I can tell, the introductory clause makes the use of proxy aervers illegal.

The first subparagraph creates a limited exception.The second subparagraph makes a certain set of circumstances a criminal offense. Making something "illlegal" and making something a criminal offense are not the same thing.

In other words, the use of a proxy server by a Natioon that is not an applicant or member of the regional assembly is illelgal (but not criminal) and thus permits the Delegate to act against such Nations as part of his authority as the Executive, i.e., banning or ejecting. It may seem like a fine line, but I think the different circumstances are fairly clear to distinguish.

The only change that is needed is to update the reference of "UN Delegate" to "WA Delegate." That change I would support.
The following is the only circumstances that are legally considered as a security risk:

The use of a proxy server by a forum user to conceal a forum user's host server is declared to be a security risk to the region.

So why then do we make it illegal for people to use other a proxy for other reasons when we have no legal justification for it? If we're going to provide that context to justify the law then we have to enforce it based on that context which the current law doesn't necessarily require.

I think we need to review why we incorporating this into TNP law and adjust the law accordingly rather than trying to claim a security risk for certain circumstances and then applying it to all cases unjustifiably.