Kitabo is ranked 11th in the region and 451st in the world for Best Weather

Kitabo is ranked 11th in the region and 451st in the world for Best Weather
Kitabo is ranked 10th in the region and 305th in the world for Most Rebellious Youth
1.FlagThe Old Kid On The Block of FudgetopiaWA MemberNew York Times Democracy"It's amazing - it's just like a real Motto!"
2.FlagThe Salty Dogs of Great Bights MumWA MemberNew York Times Democracy"Free Rum Here: z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP"
3.FlagThe American Insurgency of Former English ColonyWA MemberNew York Times Democracy"E Pluribus Unum "
4.FlagThe EigenNation of UnterwasserseestaatWA MemberCivil Rights Lovefest"With Kelp, All Things Are Possible"
5.FlagThe Allied Huggable Fluffies of KitaboWA MemberLeft-wing Utopia"Support a free TNP at http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP! "
6.FlagThe Enlightened Kingdom of FrejmarkWA MemberCivil Rights Lovefest"From nothing comes nothing - except dust mites... or..?"
7.FlagThe Retired RMB Dreamers of KingsteckInoffensive Centrist Democracy"Just sipping Margarita's in Margaritaville !"
8.FlagThe Wagons East of TodlerWA MemberCompulsory Consumerist State"Banned In The West Pacific"
9.FlagThe WP Guardian Nation of BItelandWA MemberNew York Times Democracy"4 they have sown the wind&they shall reap the whirlwind"
10.FlagThe Beat of GroovistanWA MemberDemocratic Socialists"Be somebody or be somebody's fool"
Namyeknom is ranked 11th in the region and 24th in the world for Most Influential.
I was Top 5 worldwide and missed it?That looks great until you realize that half the people who post here regularly are even better than this. The top world ranking today is a TNP Who's Who.
1.FlagThe Old Kid On The Block of FudgetopiaWA MemberNew York Times Democracy"It's amazing - it's just like a real Motto!"
2.FlagThe Salty Dogs of Great Bights MumWA MemberNew York Times Democracy"Free Rum Here: z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP"
3.FlagThe American Insurgency of Former English ColonyWA MemberNew York Times Democracy"E Pluribus Unum "
4.FlagThe EigenNation of UnterwasserseestaatWA MemberCivil Rights Lovefest"With Kelp, All Things Are Possible"
5.FlagThe Allied Huggable Fluffies of KitaboWA MemberLeft-wing Utopia"Support a free TNP at http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP! "
U mean Seaside Heights? My uncle owns a few houses there! I probably partied with u before!! olWell done for remembering to turn on vacation mode before that annual trip to the seaside and not going out partying so that you could swap all those endorsements
Try legalizing drugs, it always works!43rd happiest...not quite the manic level of Mr Sniffles joy, but good enough.