Have to share this


Ok...so New Earth broke our 10 line limit rule for ads more than 3 times...u all know I booted and got their recruiter deleted (for NS rule violatons).

Kor went in and discussed things with their leader and we began to exchange TG's. I was very quick to resolve the situation as our goal is simply to prevent recruiters from over doing it with their ads.

So I allowed their new recruiter to advertise. But of course...he broke the rules too. Again I contacted his superior. Sydia even taught the youngster how to limit the ad to ten lines. Then he argued about the rule, spammed my inbox with like 4 tg's one of which was littered with curses.

My message is only 15 lines, some of it not even text!!Other recruiter's have F**** walls of text!!It is difficult to create an effective 10 line message. I would now I created the current NE message. You must have f***** sat there and actually counted the line to see that it was more than 10. I respect and obey the 24hr period regulation to the best of my ability, so I think that a message that is only 5 over the f***ing limit, posted once a day, is not that big a f***ing deal!!We have a right to recruit on your RMB, i do not spam your RMB with constant messages. However while your region automatically generates its own new nations, we must work to get our recruits. I really see no problem with my message being a whole 15 lines, NO other feeder region has complained, you are just my have f***ing OCD, or just be an a**hole.

He got the boot...but again I was being nice and only kicked him...no ban. He returned and did a ASCII spam art on our board...another kick for him. That's when I received a TG from the founder again:

The Republic's People of Rolamec
Received: 54 minutes ago I think your taking it a little too far. 

I replied by pointing out that we have the right to control our rmb just as they have the right not to have ads in their region. Pointed out that I was being rather lenient and in other regions their would be lil communication and he would just get the boot. Also, informed him that I did not create those rules...I may just be the first to fully enforce them.

he replied:
The Republic's People of Rolamec
Received: 24 minutes ago In this manner; That your region exists solely for the purpose of where nations are to be born, created. Private regions have the goal to grow in size.

I thank you for your kindness towards my recruiters; but I think the rules are going to far. What can you expect in a world where something flashy has to attract new nations?

I am sorry, but I think its a move to far. 
And that is rather offensive!

My reply:

"In this manner; That your region exists solely for the purpose of where nations are to be born, created. Private regions have the goal to grow in size."

Solely?  Excuse me but if that were the case nations would not remain here.  This is our home...to say that we solely exist for that purpose is like saying women only exist to bear children.  Go say that to Lazarus and TRR....see the reaction you get.  We also grow and work to maintain our endorsement count and a viable community.  You make it seem like we are just here and don't have any goals.

But I understand this type of closed thinking.  Your not a feederite and you probably weren't even paying attention when we got Lazarus to have rights (Before that it was just as u describe....existed solely for reviving nations).  You also have no idea what this community has contributed to the game.  So I understand and forgive you for that slight.

I respect your opinion...you don't have to respect our rules...but you will abide by them.  I at least grant u that courtesy.


Just had to share this.

Honestly this is the first time this has happend...most recruiters apologize and as u can see...we get lil ad spam these days.
Idiots. Good job Cisco, we don't want a return to the bad old days of walls of ASCII art. I must say, the RMB has become much more lively under your delegacy. In a good way.