What regions?


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
So apparently Kharkistania, flem, FALCONKATS, and myself are all Accepted.

Since I mentioned The Pacific and The Meritocracy I suppose I'll continue Ambassadoring there. Is there anywhere else I could be of service though?

Khark, flem, and FALCONKATS mentioned no regions. According to this topic they were previously assigned as follows:

Outer Kharkistania:
- Gatesville
- Lone Wolves United
- The Black Market
- Europeia
- The New Inquisition


- Earth Reborn
- England
- Canada

The full list of regions we have Embassies with appears to be:
- 00000 A World Power
- 10000 Islands
- Canada
- D.S.A
- Earth Reborn
- England
- Equilism
- Europeia
- Hampshire
- Jethnea
- La Mafia
- Lazarus
- Lone Wolves United
- Mencer
- North Pacific
- Taijitu
- The Black Hawks
- The East Pacific: The Empire, The Confederacy
- The FRA
- The Greater Antarctic Union
- International Democratic Union
- The Last Kingdom
- The Meritocracy
- The New Inquisition
- The New Order
- The New Revolution (Now known as the True Revolution?)
- The Pacific
- The South Pacific
- The United Kingdom
- The West Pacific
- The Young World
- Tokugawa Japan

I did not list closed embassies.

I formatted them if I believed them to be friendly, allies, enemies, or defunct. The full list probably merits investigation and clean up. I'm willing to help with that if asked.

Defender Security Allliance (Want to be ADN?) = Dead.

- The New Revolution (Now known as the True Revolution?) = The True Revolution, Yep. It's also my understanding that TNP sign COPS and TTR government member havd participated in porn and ads attack on GB&I before and have not take any action aganist that member so I would suggest a termination of relation.

I could take some regions if the minister wants me to do that.
According to the COPS treaty we ratified,

Spamming: Any action undertaken by non-region nationals to waste space on forums or to cause forums to crash. This includes any attempts to force a DOS error on forums and any attempts to flood the RMB of a region which is not your normal abode.

To be required to close relations with that region, I believe the Court of the North Pacific would need to make a determination to that effect. We could simply close relations though. I feel it is up to the Minister to make that call.
Sorry for the delay :(

I'll be ambassador to Taijitu, Lazarus, TSP, TEP-C, TUK, and TWP.

I'll PM flem to see if he wants to be ambassador to anywhere.

FALCONKATS, if you would like more regions to be ambassador to please tell me which ones :)

Below is a list of regions that we do not have a ambassador to yet, and which regions already have a ambassador:

00000 A World Power
10000 Islands
Earth Reborn ~FALCONKATS
Equilism ~Ann
Europeia ~Khark
La Mafia
Lazarus ~Ann
Lone Wolves United ~Khark
North Pacific
Taijitu ~Ann
The Black Hawks
The East Pacific: The Empire, The Confederacy ~Ann
The Greater Antarctic Union
International Democratic Union
The Last Kingdom
The Meritocracy ~Eluvatar
The New Inquisition ~Khark
The New Order
The True Revolution
The Pacific ~Eluvatar
The South Pacific ~Ann
The United Kingdom ~Ann
The West Pacific ~Ann
The Young World
Tokugawa Japan

Lets try to recruit more people to the diplomatic corps :)
Santa8 is now the ambassador to Hampshire and Jethea:

00000 A World Power
10000 Islands
Earth Reborn ~FALCONKATS
Equilism ~Ann
Europeia ~Khark
Hampshire ~Santa8
Jethnea ~Santa8
La Mafia
Lazarus ~Ann
Lone Wolves United ~Khark
North Pacific
Taijitu ~Ann
The Black Hawks
The East Pacific: The Empire, The Confederacy ~Ann
The Greater Antarctic Union
International Democratic Union
The Last Kingdom
The Meritocracy ~Eluvatar
The New Inquisition ~Khark
The New Order
The True Revolution
The Pacific ~Eluvatar
The South Pacific ~Ann
The United Kingdom ~Ann
The West Pacific ~Ann
The Young World
Tokugawa Japan

If you want anymore regions feel free to say so :)
Here's a updated list:

00000 A World Power ~Govindia
10000 Islands
Earth Reborn ~FALCONKATS
Equilism ~Gov
Europeia ~Khark
Hampshire ~Santa8
Jethnea ~Santa8
La Mafia
Lazarus ~Ann
Lone Wolves United ~Khark
North Pacific
Taijitu ~Ann
The Black Hawks
The East Pacific: The Empire, The Confederacy ~Ann
The FRA ~Flemingovia
The Greater Antarctic Union
International Democratic Union
The Last Kingdom
The Meritocracy ~Eluvatar
The New Inquisition ~Khark
The New Order
The True Revolution
The Pacific ~Eluvatar
The South Pacific ~Ann
The United Kingdom ~Ann
The West Pacific ~Ann
The Young World
Tokugawa Japan
From what I understand TNR is the region that spammed GB&I, I was going around the GBI forum and I saw posts like "VIVA LA COMMUNE" from the spammer, which is the current TNR form of government but not TTR's.