>Presumably that time you posted it right after posting other adspam in TNP. The game prohibits posting
>multiple ads in a 24 hour period, or especially advertising multiple times in the last 10 posts on an RMB.
Yep, precisely, I made my post, then read the factbook, then made a second compliant ad, acknowledging my previous shortcoming in the haiku itself. It would seem super petty for someone to report me for correcting my own mistake. Hopefully it was simply the action of an overzealous mod, rather than a humorless rule-stickler reporting it simply because he technically could.
The only thing I can do better than haikus is limericks, but those would DEFINITELY gather the attention of moderation
Anyway, if you would be so kind as to unbanish the Mittster from your prestigious region, I can promise that any future messages would be posted in singularity and in strict compliance with regional codes.
-Willard Mitt(ington) (von) Romney
PS. This message is just between you and me, and definitely is NOT to be recorded by any uppity caterers with a camera-phone, uploaded to YouTube, and then used against me at a future date. If you are not from the US, you will have no idea what the hell I've been referencing...