Gracius Maximus
Tyrant (Ret.)
I have been told by the Speaker that I must answer this survey or have my application to the Regional Assembly potentially rejected.
So I will do it here since I believe it to be asinine to ask me some of these questions I will be asinine in my method of responding.
Since I assume this to be OOC in regards to what regions I have been involved in I will give the summary list that I provided in TWP recently on behalf of That Called the Vlagh.
I will bold the items specific to Gracius Maximus and TNP, which are the only IC positions that matter to this particular application.
Defender of the Atlantic, StrikeForceDelta
Ambassador to The Meritocracy
Ambassador to Nasicournia
Ambassador to the region Atlantic
Ambassador to the region Marsburg
Ambassador to the region Allied States of EuroIslanders
Ambassador to the region USSR
Ambassador to the region The Pacific
Founder of Sparrow
Founder of New Sparrow
Founder and Command of SECO (Sparrow Elite Covert Ops)
Minister of Defense for Sparrow
Delegate of Sparrow
Director General of the SCDT (Sardaukar Confederacy Defense Trust)
Prosecutor General of the ADN (Alliance Defense Network)
Secretary of State for the ADN
Advisor and Admin to the ADN
Senator of The Meritocracy
Deputy Tribune of The Meritocracy
Tribune of The Meritocracy
Consul of The Meritocracy
Minister of Justice for The West Pacific
Deputy Minister of Justice for The North Pacific, pre-NPD
Minister of Justice for The North Pacific, pre-NPD
Leader of the North Pacific Directorate
Minister of Justice, Crimson Order
Delegate of The North Pacific
Provincial Governor “V”ictory Province of the NPO (New Pacific Order, under Francos Spain)
High Judge of the NPO
Senator of Justice for the PRP (People’s Republic of The Pacific)
Emperor of the NPO
Delegate of The Pacific
I will not comment on the Speaker's shirt or the color tourquoise as I find both to be completely irrelevant to any kind of service to the region and believe both questions to be idiotic in regards to whether or not a nation can serve in the Regional Assembly.
As far as imperialists go, I am one. I have always been one, I will always be one. Disparaging the acts of imperialists isn't a concern to me.
So I will do it here since I believe it to be asinine to ask me some of these questions I will be asinine in my method of responding.
Hi! Thank you for expressing an interest in the region of the North Pacific.
Can you please tell me which if any other regions you have been involved in? Any valuable experience gained would be a great benefit!
If yes, what role or position did you play?
Are their any other nations under your control?
Do you have any special skills IRL? Like a law degree or multilingual?
And finally, what you think about this shirt? Is tourquoise my colour? Oh wait nevermind...
Please note that the region is currently under attack, as such the application process may take a few days. If you have any concerns please feel free to ask me about anything on your mind. We have an unbelievably fun and exciting community here and we desperately hope that the venal designs of foreign imperialist don't ruin it for you here!
Since I assume this to be OOC in regards to what regions I have been involved in I will give the summary list that I provided in TWP recently on behalf of That Called the Vlagh.
I will bold the items specific to Gracius Maximus and TNP, which are the only IC positions that matter to this particular application.
Defender of the Atlantic, StrikeForceDelta
Ambassador to The Meritocracy
Ambassador to Nasicournia
Ambassador to the region Atlantic
Ambassador to the region Marsburg
Ambassador to the region Allied States of EuroIslanders
Ambassador to the region USSR
Ambassador to the region The Pacific
Founder of Sparrow
Founder of New Sparrow
Founder and Command of SECO (Sparrow Elite Covert Ops)
Minister of Defense for Sparrow
Delegate of Sparrow
Director General of the SCDT (Sardaukar Confederacy Defense Trust)
Prosecutor General of the ADN (Alliance Defense Network)
Secretary of State for the ADN
Advisor and Admin to the ADN
Senator of The Meritocracy
Deputy Tribune of The Meritocracy
Tribune of The Meritocracy
Consul of The Meritocracy
Minister of Justice for The West Pacific
Deputy Minister of Justice for The North Pacific, pre-NPD
Minister of Justice for The North Pacific, pre-NPD
Leader of the North Pacific Directorate
Minister of Justice, Crimson Order
Delegate of The North Pacific
Provincial Governor “V”ictory Province of the NPO (New Pacific Order, under Francos Spain)
High Judge of the NPO
Senator of Justice for the PRP (People’s Republic of The Pacific)
Emperor of the NPO
Delegate of The Pacific
I will not comment on the Speaker's shirt or the color tourquoise as I find both to be completely irrelevant to any kind of service to the region and believe both questions to be idiotic in regards to whether or not a nation can serve in the Regional Assembly.
As far as imperialists go, I am one. I have always been one, I will always be one. Disparaging the acts of imperialists isn't a concern to me.