Equinox Declares War Against Gatesville!


Equinox Says No More To Gatesville!


Figure 1-A: Morrenstien's newborn

Executive Order of the King #2 states that the region of Equinox shall henceforth engage in a state of war and embargo with the region of Gatesville.

The Guild Council has been deeply insulted and offended with Gatesville's recent failure to declare war on our glorious region. We feel as if we have been forgotten in this game and passed off as some kind of lesser region.

This horrific neglect has left our children upset and in a state of despair (see figure 1-A). In order to rectify this desperate situation, we have taken it upon ourselves to declare war on Gatesville.

Join me brothers, and together we will defeat discrimination against regions once and for all. Join our brothers fighting the enemy in Gatesville.


Figure 1-B: The Equinoxian military (aka the Axiom Guild) heads off to battle


Figure 1-C: Pope Lexus X eats a burger to control his excitement

King of Equinox
At least as solid a reason as the original (to this war anyway) Gatesville war declaration.
We thought so, and we needed a way to make the kiddos of Equinox stop their god awful sobbing. :P
Greetings Great Nation of Forensatha!

It is my duty and my pleasure to extend to your honorable nation an invitation to join Gatesville: A collection of only the best nations unified in a single purpose: The reshaping of the treacherous and morally imperial World Assembly.

For too long, the WA has sought to rob nations like yours and mine of our dignity and sovereignty. But now a new region has risen to challenge their power! Gatesville!

We are Capitalists, Consumerists, Dictators and forward-thinking nations like yourself, who will influence and dominate the WA through votes and numbers. We are the largest player-made region in the game, and victory is assured for our dedicated comrades!

Become a Gatesville nation, and help change the face of Nation States.
Visit our forum antiun.cjb.net and website aystha.cjb.net then decide.
(To join just click on me than on Gatesville then on move to Gatesville).

Arrived only a few hours ago. I think I just figured out their war strategy...