Question from the curious


Well I was recently recruiting for my pimt size little ol Region and I started to wonder as I looked around... Does TNP have a maximum number or percentage of the Delegate's endorcement count that other WA Nations can have? And if so what would it be?

I know that I'm used to much smaller numbers as Delegate of my Region, we have far less members then ya'll, but some of the endo counts suprised me and started me to being curious.
I don't think we have a hard set endocap, but we start to get suspicious of nations that are over 100 endos and still endotarting as much as possible. We start to send TG's asking why they are tarting, and if they still don't stop or explain themselves, we warn them.

If they get within 100 endos of the delegate and haven't heeded the warnings or gotten some sort of special permission, an ejection is usually in order.
Is there any problem with those of us from other Regions letting your Government know when we find those with such large numbers of Endo's in your Region? We know you have been threatened with war and many of us prefer TNP stable, happy and with it's rightful government. And to be honest that has got to be a lot of work for your poor delegate.
We do not have a standard endo-cap. We have a floating cap, basically anyone who's number of endorsements is larger than the Vice Delegate's is in breach of our cap. It's really a defacto cap, no one nation (other than the Delegate) may have more endorsements.

It's not easy but it fosters community and it shows that the North Pacific remains free and strong.
Yeah, and the Vice Delegate tends to be within 20 endos of the delegate or something like that.

Oh, and sure, if you find someone with some huge amount of endorsements, we'd be glad to hear about it.
I was requested to stop endo trading by our deligate. My current endo count is 173. I endotart because I'm curious about how many endos and time in region I would need to bring my influence above minnow in a feeder.
Damn curiousity!!!! Lol

It's going to take u a while because from what I was reading the mods have not revealed the formula and have not confirmed any of the suggested ones. We do know that it is a combination of time in a region and endoes. So u should probably quit now before we red flag ya!!! Lol

But seriously thanks for the is always good to know the intentions of tarters.

**Cisco removes the security agents placed on whereisthatistan**
I know it'll take along time I started playing NS about a year ago. I think it was two or three weeks before the unplesentness with Emperor Mattwhatsit.
I know it'll take along time I started playing NS about a year ago. I think it was two or three weeks before the unplesentness with Emperor Mattwhatsit.
We've had so many rogues we can't remember the names of the insignificant ones... :P

Good luck in your plans, all the cool kids are Vassals.
*chuckles* This thread reminds me of Hampshire. :P

I'll have to poke the Foreign Minister there to confirm an active Ambassador is sent to you guys.