To Gatesville


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
The North Pacific recognizes a state of war with Gatesville, as initiated by Gatesville.

At no point did The North Pacific take hostile action against Gatesville or against The Empire. Indeed, the North Pacific even supported them before it was outright threatened by The Empire's Lord Rahl. We had made it clear in private that the actions of Flemingovia and Kharkistania were not in anyway sanctioned by this government. Both parties are members of multiple regions, yet it is only this region that Gatesville has chosen to single out.

Over the course of the last few days, it became apparent that Gatesville intended to void the peace treaty that had been signed between our two regions and which had, despite lingering tensions, maintained peace for a number of months.

First, it was claimed that we had violated the treaty. As we never acted against Gatesville, this was obviously false. Then, they claimed it was because of our actions in The East Pacific, a region and regime with no relation to the treaty. Even so, we, again, had never engaged in any hostile action in that region, and this was obviously just an excuse. In fact, TNP nations, including government members, had provided material support to the Empire from the beginning, and it was not until Lord Rahl posted a threatening letter to our region claiming we would be "purified" that anyone from TNP began to take any serious issue or notice.

So, then, it was claimed we had violated the "spirit" of the treaty, because supposedly we had nations disparaging the reputation of Gatesville. Given that the treaty was simply a peace treaty, and given that we had not mounted any campaign of slander and, in fact, there were relatively few negative comments aimed at Gatesville, this was yet another excuse. Especially considering the numerous disparaging remarks that have been made about us or our members.

Regardless of all of this, we were prepared to meet Gatesville at least part of the way. After discussions with the Gatesville delegate, Darkesia, we agreed to make a public statement expressing that we were in no way related to, endorsing, or sanctioning the actions of Flemingovia or Kharkistania.

Gates then turned around a few hours later and threw this agreement out, insisting that we "cast out" the "scum." A short time later, with no real dialogue and without waiting to hear from our Delegate and President, Eluvatar, Gates announced that the treaty had been voided and then that we were in a state of war.

While disappointing, this is hardly surprising, given that their intentions from the beginning appears to have been simply to drum up an excuse to void the treaty. So, then, while we have not sought out conflict with anyone, conflict has come to our doorstep. Gates will regret his hubris and reactionary behavior, as we will not submit to his ego. We will never submit.

President Eluvatar
Minister of Defense Heft
Please don’t pretend you’re the great savior you hijacked this region for taijitu to expand your imperialist agenda. Citizens of TNP join with me to rid this region of the scum that controls it.
Gates, you've got to be kidding. How many times are you going to pick a fight with us before you give up? Haven't you learned anything? You can't win here.
Gates, I do believe it is you who has Imperial Ambitions towards The North Pacific.

Thanks to your double dealing and continuous blatant aggression towards this region, you will find no sympathy or quarter here.
Imperialist agenda?

I wonder where I've heard the term..."Empire"...before? Who commands their military strength, again? <_<

expand your imperialist agenda.

Citizens of TNP join with me to rid this region of the scum that controls it.

Was that deliberate irony? :eyeroll:
Please don’t pretend you’re the great savior you hijacked this region for taijitu to expand your imperialist agenda which was my idea anyway. Citizens of TNP join with me to rid this region of the scum that controls it so I can get my shot.
Fixed it for you.
Great Bights Mum I love you and you know it is the current regime and their poor decision making that led to this.
Great Bights Mum I love you and you know it is the current regime and their poor decision making that led to this.
You know there's better ways at getting a girl's attention than declaring war. I mean Helen of Troy didn't go for it and we all know GBM is much much prettier.
Great Bights Mum I love you and you know it is the current regime and their poor decision making that led to this.
Gates, this is what... the fourth time you've shown up here on the wrong side. This isn't love, it's stalking.

And in case it escaped your notice, I am the Vice Delegate in TNP and I fully support the decisions made by this administration.
Great Bights Mum I love you and you know it is the current regime and their poor decision making that led to this.
Gates, this is what... the fourth time you've shown up here on the wrong side. This isn't love, it's stalking.

And in case it escaped your notice, I am the Vice Delegate in TNP and I fully support the decisions made by this administration.
I guess flowers would've been better?
This is awesome. International politics gain a whole new dimension when you imagine the various government leaders having affairs with each other.


On that note, I still can't get this picture out of my head.


Naughty Dubya, giving massages to the German chancellor! :rofl: