OBSERVING MOURNFULLY that rogue crackpot despots no longer wish to invade us, even when their popularity and hygiene are called into question,
NOTING WITH REGRET that this place is about as lively as a bacon sandwich shop in Mecca,
SOLEMNLY DECLARING that we might as well have some fun before NS2 finally kills us,
That the region known as The North Pacific be hereby dismantled and put into storage.
Provisions of this bill
1) Every Regional Assembly member and cabinet minister are hereby required to telegram the NationStates moderation team either;
1 a) Calling their parentage into question.
1 b) Stating 'yo mama so fat' jokes.
2) Every member of the region is required to either follow the provision of article 1) OR risk immediate banjection, without trial.
3) New nations created in The North Pacific will immediately be telegrammed by our esteemed delegate, who will inform them that he 'don't like their types round ere'. This will ensure that they leave immediately.
4) The esteemed delegate is required to enforce articles 2) and 3), or risk a barrage of 'yo mama so fat' jokes himself. Once articles 1) and 2) are fulfilled, the delegate maybe telegram the moderation team with an insult of his choice.
5) The forum URL will henceforth be placed in the control of my Nigerian email business partner, Prince George MTENGE, in lieu of my credit card details. All government post, admin and forum mods shall be immediately abolished.
This is our dream, people. Let's make it a reality:
All in favour, state AYE.
Edit: Forgot a crucial point.