First, Isn't the Delegate determined solely by highest number of endorsements by WA members who currently reside in the region. This ensures that the Delegate is a WA meber elected by WA members. Second, Isn't this a nonnegotiable rule of the game with the stated intention of promoting raids and or coups etc. Third, doesn't this render the delegate all powerful by granting the power to exclude or ban individuals and outvote all other WA members in the region at the WA. The only in-game check on a Delegate would be the original Founder of the region
Thus isn't the RA a non-binding consultative assembly to a very precarious dictator regardless of any constitution or bill of rights: past and present or future. Shouldn't such talk-shops include everyone and their pets as well as potted plants. There is nothing wrong with pet and plant nations being admitted after a suitable minimal time in residence. In other words, I don't think that it is useful to limit RA membership To WA members
Doesn't this limit constitutions to large regions like the TNP where one individual needs to delegate his authority
so that enough pain and pleasure can be dolled out in his name to maintain his position and authority
This limits realist constitutional reform to ensuring that the RA is not immediately useful to any usurper and, by necessity, any and every new Delegate. This is why TNP delegates go "rogue" or discard the RA. Thus, the choice is between limited external security with unlimited internal instability; Or, external weakness where constant raiding precludes internal stability entirely.
It also seems logical though that it would be dominated by WA members. Thus WA members could induce the RA to give the cabinet a non-binding vote of confidence. The RA could also be used to train future oligarchs and induce WA membership Think meaningless titles etc. based on individual Support within the RA or individual support for the cabinet This more consensual approach should guide constitutional reform.
Orderly transitions and external security, resulting in internal stability are only possible in a state of oligarchy where all possible Delegates are included and losing Delegates are compensated by the Delegate in exchange for support.
To that end, the constitution should be amended so that election to the Cabinet including the Vice Delegate should be based on WA endorsements received-- say 3/5ths of the serving Delegate's count. From there, appointments can be made by the Delegate to staggered terms--of say, six months. This could be done according to open positions, new positions, purely ceremonial positions, loyalty, talent etc. This will prevent the cabinet and it's enforcement mechanisms from being immediately useful to a usurper while giving new delegates an incentive to work within the system as their influence will steadily grow.