Associate Judge Nominations

With Eluvatar resigning, we need a new Associate judge. Obviously someone with legal experience is a must but the field seems wide open as we do have a new Constitution.

The current circuit is Grosseschnauzer as Chief Justice and Romanoffia as senior Associate Justice.
Byard, your attendance during the court hearing on the election is commendable given the latest addition to your family. Obviously you've yet to confirm your nomination but I do feel the need to ask, what is the level of activity you can committ to if elected.

KingRoss, it's rare that we see a newcomer emerse themselves so quickly with so much enthusiasm. You're the prime example of the type of foreign talent we need, I wish every new member would act like this.

Now for the grilling:
What are your qualifications for filling such an important position?
What, if any, judicial experiences have you had (given this is the second highest judicial ranking)?
Without any specifics, in an event where a recently adopted amendment to the Constitution (passed unanimously in the RA) clashed with a clause in the Bill of Rights, which document takes a higher precedent?
Do you think a Constitution, including our own, serves to detail the limits of governmental power or stresses the domains wherein government may act?
In what will serve as a prime example of my activity, I will be more than happy to answer your questions (remembering that I am still waiting on other information before accepting the nomination :shifty: ), but will do so tonight, when I can get an uninterrupted stretch of time. IOW, I am on at least 3-4 times every day, but often just long enough to make sure the place isn't on fire.
As i am about to rush out to work, i will get these questions answered over the weekend, as it happens i just had my final Alevel law exam.

you'll hear from me soon.

What are your qualifications for filling such an important position?
I have experience as Attorney General, Associate Justice, and Chief Justice of the Court of The North Pacific.
I love this place - I must, I keep coming back.
Throughout my time as a trial judge, and as a prosecutor, I have struggled to keep the rights of the individual at the foremost, regardless of pressure from either side, and to uphold the Law of the North Pacific, regardless of the hue and cry to, for example, let the bastards swing.

What, if any, judicial experiences have you had (given this is the second highest judicial ranking)?
See the above.

Without any specifics, in an event where a recently adopted amendment to the Constitution (passed unanimously in the RA) clashed with a clause in the Bill of Rights, which document takes a higher precedent?
It's a little difficult without specifics, but, given my answer to the below question, the BOR wins. However, even thinking about the numerous people who would have to be asleep at the wheel for such a thing to occur makes my noggin ache. Fundamentally, though, the distinction between "democracy" and "mob rule" must be observed, and keeping the rights of the Individual foremost will prevent that sort of "tyranny by majority" scenario.

Do you think a Constitution, including our own, serves to detail the limits of governmental power or stresses the domains wherein government may act?

The role of a constitution is to constrain the power of the government - it specifies the circumstances, limits, and methods, by which the government may act to abbreviate the liberties of its citizens. The government, in its inherent duty to best operate the region to the benefit of its citizens, must reserve the right to act in any sphere or arena that arises, and in ways that the framers of the Constitution may not have anticipated. Viewing the Constitution as a discrete list of the powers of government hamstrings the ability of the Region to act outside the view of the Framers - permitting the Government to act as it sees fit, within the constraints set by the Constitution and Law, allows the Region to grow and change as the times demand.
Well here goes...

What are your qualifications for filling such an important position?
I have Law qualifications both GCSE and A level (UK)
I feel that i am an unbiased individual that strives for results. I feel that now is the chance to make something of myself and to serve the great region of TNP.

What, if any, judicial experiences have you had (given this is the second highest judicial ranking)?
Attorney General - GOOR Cybernations Alliance
I believe that although i have not held a judicial position within TNP before to be an advantage, as i am biased towards no-one and can bring a fresh pair of eyes to the court.

Without any specifics, in an event where a recently adopted amendment to the Constitution (passed unanimously in the RA) clashed with a clause in the Bill of Rights, which document takes a higher precedent?

It is difficult here to vary my response from my collegue in this respect, I also believe that the Bill of rights would take precedence, although it is difficult to say without any specifics, the most import aspect of any legal rules are to base the rights of the citizens over and above everything else.

Do you think a Constitution, including our own, serves to detail the limits of governmental power or stresses the domains wherein government may act?

A constitution sets out to produce limitations on a governmental system. However this is based on a concept of upholding citizens rights an upmost priority.

"A just society depends on devising rules in ignorance of your status in society, the rule will then be fair to all." (John Rawls)

The government must act within limitations to provide an acceptable level of leadership, guidance (Government), and justice (Judicary) within the region. These limitations set out to protect the citizens, however any rogue delegate that comes along will inevitably disgard the constitution. The constitution itself promotes freedom and equality and a sense of safety and belonging in the form of limitations. As with any changing community ammendments will always be made to the constitution.

I Thank you all for your time and look forward to working with you in the future, whether in this position or another,

Those are very good answers KR, now, I may have a few questions of my own...

!. Why are you the best candidate for this job?
2. How do you feel the experiences of an external candidate could be used to address the events of the recent past (hypothetically speaking)?


1. Why are you the best candidate for this job?

I feel that within both real life and Nationstates I have the drive and quality to succeed as an associate judge; my experiences throughout NS have led me to negotiate treaties, discuss regional foreign policy, and making informed decisions both within my current position with Catlandatopia and within others in the past. I realise that high positions must be earned, but consider this position as the next step for me into keeping TNP a stable, active community.

2. How do you feel the experiences of an external candidate could be used to address the events of the recent past (hypothetically speaking)?

A significant factor in the judicial system is to ensure that all situations are viewed from a rational, critical and realistic perspective. It is always important to view fresh ideas on any situation as well as the views of individuals within an organisation. If problems occur over and over it is clear a fresh perspective is needed in reaching an acceptable outcome. This can be applied to recent events (reference to Tajitiu, though purely hypothetical). Situations such as this should be viewed as shown above, before any action is taken on behalf of any government or group. With this is mind it is my opinion that crisis can be averted as and when it may occur. Sometimes a new pair of eyes goes a long way.
