NationSate's New High-Profile Couple


NationState’s New High-Profile Couple: Love At First Sight


Ag plans to have the honeymoon onboard this luxury yacht in The West Pacific. However, Govindia is having trouble obtaining a visa.

Reliable sources have confirmed that NationStates has a new high-profile couple. It is in fact the most unusual combination ever witnessed on the NationStates love scene. We are, of course, talking about non other than Agamemmnon and Govindia.

Asked for her comment, mother Astarial told us: “Well, you see, Agamemmnon has been feeling rather down lately. After all those years, he’s still single and he was getting depressed. He was pining-away in his room, not washing, hardly eating, pulling out his hair and sleeping in a cat-basket… I couldn’t stand the sight of him!” Astarial had to pink away a tear at this moment and almost burst into tears. “Sub-Actuality [his father] and I decided that an arranged marriage would be the best idea.”

Naivetry, Ag’s sister in Equilism, was eager to give the comment: “Agamemmnon has so long been neglected by everyone around him and he ‘s finally got someone who can take care of him. And Govindia will finally found the male figure he’s always been looking for. A perfect match!”

And the scuffles they’ve been getting into? The most recent one was the Council of Lower Officials (CLO) election in The North Pacific, where Govindia was the appointed Election Commissioner. He counted a vote which had been casted five minutes after time, ensuring that South East Asia won the broken tie. However, rumours are circulating that this misdemeanor was only made by Govindia so he can command more of Ag's valuable time and attention. And we can’t forget to mention the numerous IRC-scuffles (which now seem more liker lovers tiffs).
Astarial: “They’ll learn to live and respect each other. Agamemmnon is a good boy deep down inside and will learn to love Govindia.”
Naivetry: “Like I said before, they’re a perfect match! Any marriage has some ‘scuffles’ as you so put it.”

When asked for his comment about this celebrity blitz, Flemingovia commented: “I’m glad it’s not me! With either of them.”
JAL had a more positive comment for the almost newlyweds: “I for one think they’ll make an adorable couple. Gov’s strengths help compensate for Ag’s weaknesses. For example, Ag’s hesitation to move past the first base.”
Moo-Cows with Guns, almost poking our eyes out with an AK-47, shows sympathy for Ag: “I feel much pain for Ag, as this is akin to imprisonment with a shrew. But I know Ag is very resourceful and can deal with this. He was, after all, Black Cardinal Lord for the form Order Hereticus in The Pacific,” When asked if he would provide milk for any children, the Great Bovine said: “I’m sure there will be no children.”

However, all bets are now on for how long, or short, this new NationStates couple will stay together.

Written by Numero Capitan and Tycholand