Lewis and Clark Retires

Great Bights Mum

Grande Dame
Lewis and Clark has just announced his retirement:
Thank you Maha and GBM. I will, at best, be on 'Leave of Absence' let us say, until RL circumstances warrant otherwise.

I have had the need to depart NS for some time now, as my regretful lack of full activity has shown. Perhaps someday, the story can be told. It's not a good one.

TNP in any case needs active leadership. That was the entire point many months ago, as we sat upon an inactive z13 forum with an inactive government.

Yes, Wandering Messengers, I am leaving. In 24 hours, TNP will have a new delegate.

Be good to each other, and always remember that this is a game. And behind each nation is a human being, a player engaged in a role they choose to play. Each player may change roles at times, and steer their own course independent of what you may or may not think they should do.

Peace be with you.

I wish him the best of luck in the future. Hope we have the pleasure of playing again on NS2.
From the World Factbook Entry:

For someone else the blues and greens
The dreaming spires the skin-tight jeans
The armchair armies on the march
The transfer unit tube and mask
Who needs all the endless lies
That serve to keep the world alive
To taste the sweetness of the grave
And not regret mistakes I've made

In memoriam
That should be it.

Too bad he didn't just remove himself from the region just before update, though.

Good luck with your RL situation, L&C.
Great Bights Mum has now broken even and will, as trends indicate, be ahead in short order. As Lewis and Clark has more or less guaranteed he will not be taking further measures to hinder her, nor is he likely to have the influence to do so, this is where it ends. All that is left is to wait.

Edit: She's ahead.
*Yawns* That was an IC yawn. Rather disappointing performance.

*Waves* That was OOC waving. Take care and best of luck.
As I said on the RMB, RL always can be an annoyance. But, RL always takes precedence , and NS can wait.

Take care with your RL matters L&C. Return when you can, and hopefully the RL situation will help you to reflect on things and find peace with everyone.

God be with you. :console: :hug:

Good luck L&C :ADN:
From my nations inbox:

I don't know if I am out of line asking this...but since I see u endorsing people...would it be possible for you to drop your WA status and then re apply. We do not wish to boot u and would rather not worry about any future incidents.


Not out of line at all. I planned on dropping WA after GBM retakes the delegacy at update. I've always hated seeing an empty delegate's seat in a feeder, even if it's temporary. I don't plan to reapply.

I understand that due to trust issues, that there are some that don't believe I am really going to step down, and some that have been thinking that someone else is in control of L&C. It was suggested to me that I make an appearance in #tnp last night, but I really didn't feel comfortable doing so. (And for all I know, I may still be banned from the channel.) *shrugs*


I think the gov here can now get moving on more pressing matters. Hope all goes well.
Lewis & Clark has posted another message on the RMB:
Citizens, Players, Friends -

All things come to an end in due time. Change is an endless stream that travels through this life, this universe in which we live. And now change is upon us once again. In a time of endings, there are opportunities for new beginnings. And sometimes new beginnings themselves bring endings.

The concept of The Crimson Order was born out of stagnation in NationStates. From nearly a year of silence from Admin and uneven moderator responsiveness - "Admin is Dead, the Mods have Abandon us!" Combined with a steady and increasing rate of decline in player numbers and interest. But in recent weeks we have seen the facelift that has been given to NS, the addition of new features, the closing of coding loopholes, the replacement of the UN with the WA, and the announcement of NationStates 2. Admin is not dead, and the mods have not abandon us. The basis for the concept of The Crimson Order was no longer relevent, a fact that I reflected in the renaming and flag change of Lewis and Clark at that time.

Unfortunately, due to RL issues and constraints, I was unable to follow up that fact with further changes in efforts for The North Pacific.

TNP needs active and concerned leadership. I cannot provide such leadership with my current personal situation. I have confidence in the trustworthiness and true concern for the region of Great Bights Mum. While she has been the endorsement leader of the opposition to my delegacy, I have never held any opposition to her personally.

Work together and unify the region. Do not stifle each other's voices and opinions. Don't drive good players away through devisive bickering. It shouldn't be difficult to cordially, respectfully, disagree. While acknowledging that we are all striving for a common goal of an active and vital community here in TNP, that is a part of the larger NS community.

But all I really want to say is 'thank you' to you all. Thank you for the opportunity to enjoy this game with you. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know some of you. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you, to choose sides with you, choose directions with you, build ideas together with you. Thank you for the time we've shared here in this corner of cyberspace. And Best Wishes to each and every one of you in your endeavors and efforts.

Be good to each other. I'll see ya 'round.


I have to express some disappointment. Some might be too kind.

My entire point in joining the Order was to help activity. In the last few weeks of the order, nothing went on. Nada, zilch, zero. It was difficult to watch & probably more difficult not to speak out.

I'm not sorry for joining the Order, but I am sorry that the premise of increased activity was never realized.

Good luck WW, the first few weeks were fun!
Work together and unify the region. Do not stifle each other's voices and opinions. Don't drive good players away through devisive bickering. It shouldn't be difficult to cordially, respectfully, disagree. While acknowledging that we are all striving for a common goal of an active and vital community here in TNP, that is a part of the larger NS community.

But all I really want to say is 'thank you' to you all. Thank you for the opportunity to enjoy this game with you. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know some of you. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you, to choose sides with you, choose directions with you, build ideas together with you. Thank you for the time we've shared here in this corner of cyberspace. And Best Wishes to each and every one of you in your endeavors and efforts.

Be good to each other. I'll see ya 'round.


:clap: :agree:

About time someone said that. Thank you West, be well and I hope we can talk soon sometime :) :ADN: