Declassified discussion thread for RA vote

Nice of him not to add me to the ban list. I guess it would look bad what with naming a memorial district after me. :P
What district was that? and I think he's trying to kiss some arse of the more Vet members anyway. Your too good for em BS!
The district named after me covered nations starting with #'s to C's. I wasn't consulted prior to being awarded this "honour". I wouldn't have accepted it had I been. I definitely would never have taken the route followed by Nastic and twoslit. It takes more than a little ego-stroke to get me renounce my values.
The district named after me covered nations starting with #'s to C's. I wasn't consulted prior to being awarded this "honour". I wouldn't have accepted it had I been. I definitely would never have taken the route followed by Nastic and twoslit. It takes more than a little ego-stroke to get me renounce my values.
Wait...Nastic is with L&C...that I didn't know.
Lewis and Clark was hoping to rewrite our regional history in his own image, I guess. I have not been to the forum he set up (not even once) so I really wasn't aware of his manipulation of our history to suit his imperial take on things.

(And Crimson? Come on now, everyone who's anyone in Nationstates knows that the color of The North Pacific is blue, blue, blue
Well, L&C is at 230

GBM is at 227

It's getting close - and L&C has indeed handed off his nation to someone else. Now we just have to find out who.

But then again, with any luck, L&C will be gone tonight.
When will the vote tally be posted?

Has Gatesville also Endorsed GBM as the official delegate or what?

*sighs* :ADN:
The primary reason why I haven't posted who voted for the treaty, by name, is that I'm trying to minimize the chance that L&C or his subordinates will have access to that information before GBM gains access to the regional controls.

I'll post it here. Once GBM gains that regional control access, the thread will be moved over to a public part of the forum, since the need for secrecy will have passed.

All of the members of the CLO agreed to the expedited handling of the treaty as emergency legislation.
The vote tally is as follows:

Grosseschnauzer FOR
Sydia FOR
Blackshear FOR
Galapagos Isle FOR
Jon Rose FOR
Groclant FOR
Romanoffia FOR
Isimud FOR
Thanne FOR
Great Bights Mum FOR
flemingovia FOR
Winter Vacationers FOR
Unterwasserseestaat FOR
Ermarian FOR
Southwest Asia FOR
Fearless Leader FOR
Eluvatar FOR
red back FOR
Sonnenwende, FOR
Govindia FOR
Missing Dog Head FOR
Outer Kharkistania FOR
Tresville FOR

24 of 39 votes received
Bottle of grog submitted a lare vote FOR the treaty as well.
The primary reason why I haven't posted who voted for the treaty, by name, is that I'm trying to minimize the chance that L&C or his subordinates will have access to that information before GBM gains access to the regional controls.

I'll post it here. Once GBM gains that regional control access, the thread will be moved over to a public part of the forum, since the need for secrecy will have passed.

All of the members of the CLO agreed to the expedited handling of the treaty as emergency legislation.
The vote tally is as follows:

Grosseschnauzer FOR
Sydia FOR
Blackshear FOR
Galapagos Isle FOR
Jon Rose FOR
Groclant FOR
Romanoffia FOR
Isimud FOR
Thanne FOR
Great Bights Mum FOR
flemingovia FOR
Winter Vacationers FOR
Unterwasserseestaat FOR
Ermarian FOR
Southwest Asia FOR
Fearless Leader FOR
Eluvatar FOR
red back FOR
Sonnenwende, FOR
Govindia FOR
Missing Dog Head FOR
Outer Kharkistania FOR
Tresville FOR

24 of 39 votes received
Bottle of grog submitted a lare vote FOR the treaty as well.
Danke schon, Herr Speaker :ADN: