Already did that one. The smaller the region, the faster influence grows for nations in that region, modified by the total number of nations in that region.
Hence, what I tried to explain to Gates one time is that he doesn't need to take a feeder region to control the WA. I have a tiny little region with about 30 nations in it. That region is listed as having as much 'regional' influence as TNP or any of the feeders. The UN Delegate's vote of that region has as much influence as the Delegate of TNP or any feeder. In fact, hundreds of tiny population regions (small number of nations) have delegates whose WA votes have the same or even more punch than a feeder delegate.
IOW, if you or any one of you puppets created several regions whose regional influence is something in the order of 'Moderate' or the like, it would only take about 5 of such regions working in concert (to have the delegates vote alike) to has as much WA influence as a feeder.
So, given the 15 or so regions that I have founded under 15 different puppets *and* if I could get Delegates for those regions to vote as I say, I could have more effect on WA issue votes than Gatesville ever dreamed of having with control of one paltry feeder region, or all the feeders combined. ;D
So, if the new paradigm is to control the WA (which is a totally bogus paradigm that no one really gives a tit about and has no real affect or meaning to those who do not ascribe to that paradigm) Gates totally missed the boat and will look foolish in the not to long term. ;D
IOW, if one plays to control the outcome of WA votes and resolutions, the real power is in controlling a key number of user created regions that have regional influence of at least the 'moderate' range. Controlling feeders is meaningless in that department because a handful of 'moderate' range user regions is worth more than all the feeders combined (unless you can convince everyone in a feeder to vote the way you want, which, of course, you can't because most people in feeders don't give a crap about WA votes and resolutions).
Hence, Gates has been barking up the wrong tree with his scheme to dominate all of the feeders. Of course, if you don't believe this or fathom it, you can test it for yourselves. I have, and it appears to work so far. In fact, I was thinking of introducing some totally whacky yet legitimate WA resolutions to prove it.
So, if we all decided to play the WA control game, Gatesville would be knocked into a cocked hat. For all I really care, Gates can control the WA and dictate WA resolutions and it doesn't matter a tinker's dam. It's just so funny to me because he is wasting his time in that task under his present course.
Of course this really means the invader/defender game is reinvigorated. I've been waiting to drop this one for a long time. Now that I have enough people as UN delegates of my created regions (puppets founders are a wonderful thing, eh?) I can now force through some really screw-ball WA resolutions as they are brought up. Don't believe it? Just watch what happens over a couple of months. The WA will be anarchy.
Just to present a 'teaser' - why do you think 'regional influence' is listed in WFE's? Man, oh, man, the mods and codemonkeys must think everyone is a bunch of dimschitz for so few people to have figured this out. Welcome to the Userite Universe.